I've been writing some Adobe Illustrator javascripts to improve my workflow. I've been really getting to grips with OOP recently so I've been writing it using objects and I really think it helps keep my code clean and easily up-datable. However I wanted to check some best practice with you guys.
I have a rectangle object which creates (three guesses)... a rectangle. It looks like this
function rectangle(parent, coords, name, guide) {
this.top = coords[0];
this.left = coords[1];
this.width = coords[2];
this.height = coords[3];
this.parent = (parent) ? parent : doc;
var rect = this.parent.pathItems.rectangle(this.top, this.left, this.width, this.height);
rect.name = (name) ? name : "Path";
rect.guides = (guide) ? true : false;
return rect;
However the code works fine with OR without that last
return rect
So my question is what does
new rectangle(args);
return if I don't explicitly say so?
If I do this:
var myRectangle = new rectangle(args);
myRectangle.left = -100;
It works just fine wether I return rect
or not.
Many thanks for you help.
Your javascript object should only have properties and methods.
Use the return keyword inside a method.
function rectangle(parent, coords, name, guide) {
this.top = coords[0];
this.left = coords[1];
this.width = coords[2];
this.height = coords[3];
this.parent = (parent) ? parent : doc;
this.draw = function () { // add a method to perform an action.
var rect = this.parent.pathItems.rectangle(this.top, this.left, this.width, this.height);
rect.name = (name) ? name : "Path";
rect.guides = (guide) ? true : false;
return rect;
How you would use your object.
var myRectangle = new rectangle(args);