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How to append the osgi.configuration.area parameter to the generated config.ini in Eclipse 3.8.2?

I am desperately trying to configure my Eclipse product to fulfill the advices to achieve an Eclipse Multiuser Install (according to this document). I am following #2 and #3 by specifying a


as well as:


The actual problem is, that the key osgi.configuration.area appears nowhere and therefore the wrong directory will be chosen to write internal osgi fileLocks. I would have expected it in the generated


file by the org.eclipse.equinox.internal.frameworkadmin.equinox.EquinoxFwConfigFileParser in my build artefact.

I placed the arguments in the "Properties"-section of the "Configuration" tab of the product-editor.

According to the timestamp it seems this config.ini is created during the build process, but I am not sure. Does somebody know when this EquinoxConfigFileParser is activated and from where it obtains the parameters?


  • We normally do this by configuring the ProductName.ini file in your application root directory.
    For example:


    According to the eclipse runtime options:

    • osgi.instance.area is equivalent to -data
    • osgi.configuration.area is equivalent to -configuration

    You can specify those arguments in your .product file. Switch to the "Launching" tab, insert into the "Program Arguments" field.