I am desperately trying to configure my Eclipse product to fulfill the advices to achieve an Eclipse Multiuser Install (according to this document). I am following #2 and #3 by specifying a
as well as:
The actual problem is, that the key osgi.configuration.area
appears nowhere and therefore the wrong directory will be chosen to write internal osgi fileLocks.
I would have expected it in the generated
file by the org.eclipse.equinox.internal.frameworkadmin.equinox.EquinoxFwConfigFileParser
in my build artefact.
I placed the arguments in the "Properties"-section of the "Configuration" tab of the product-editor.
According to the timestamp it seems this config.ini
is created during the build process, but I am not sure. Does somebody know when this EquinoxConfigFileParser
is activated and from where it obtains the parameters?
We normally do this by configuring the ProductName.ini
file in your application root directory.
For example:
According to the eclipse runtime options:
is equivalent to -data
is equivalent to -configuration
You can specify those arguments in your .product
file. Switch to the "Launching" tab, insert into the "Program Arguments" field.