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Functions like onBeforeShow not working in angular-strap popover

I am using angular-strap popover.

The documentation says if onBeforeShow function is provided, it should be invoked before the popover is shown. But that isn't working for me.

<div class="bs-docs-section" ng-controller="PopoverDemoCtrl">      
  <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-3">
    <div id="popoverId" bs-popover data-trigger="hover" on-before-show="shouldBeCalledBeforePopover()" data-content-template="demo.html" delay="200" data-placement="bottom-right">
      Hover over me!!!

$scope.shouldBeCalledBeforePopover = function(){
   alert("Before popover");

The alert does not happen.

Here is the plunker


  • Okay here is too late but am posting.


    It will help in future replace your code with below snippet

    <div id="popoverId" bs-popover data-trigger="hover" bs-on-before-show="shouldBeCalledBeforePopover" data-content-template="demo.html" delay="200" data-placement="bottom-right">
    Hover over me!!!

    If you take a look I have just changed the way of init function

    If you using angular-strap you have to make sure every time when you use callback functions you have to init function by bs- attr
