I have prototype working for me with Devices sending logs and then logstash parsing it and putting into elasticsearch.
Logstash output code :-
if [type] == "json" {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["host1:9200","host2:9200","host3:9200"]
index => "index-metrics-%{+xxxx.ww}"
Now My Question is :
I will be producing this solution. For simplicity assume that I have one Cluster and I have right now 5 nodes inside that cluster.
So I know I can give array of 5 nodes IP / Hostname in elasticsearch output plugin and then it will round robin to distribute data.
How can I avoid putting all my node IP / hostnames into logstash config file.
As system goes into production I don't want to manually go into each logstash instance and update these hosts.
What are the best practices one should follow in this case ?
My requirement is :
I want to run my ES cluster and I want to add / remove / update any number of node at any time. I need all of my logstash instances send data irrespective of changes at ES side.
If you want to add/remove/update you will need to run sed or some kind of string replacement before the service startup. Logstash configs are "compiled" and cannot be changed that way.
hosts => [$HOSTS]
$ HOSTS="\"host1:9200\",\"host2:9200\""
$ sed "s/\$HOSTS/$HOSTS/g" $config
Your other option is to use environment variables for the dynamic portion, but that won't allow you to use a dynamic amount of hosts.