I am recently using GMock and I cannot successfully use SetArgPointee in the following code.
class rox{
public :
int a, b;
rox(const rox &ana){
a = ana.a;
b = ana.b;
rox operator=(const rox& ana){
a = ana.a;
b = ana.b;
return *this;
TEST(Statistics, RandomReceived){
MockClass ms;
rox ana1, ana2;
EXPECT_CALL(ms, Read(_)).Times(1).WillOnce(DoAll(SetArgPointee<0>(ana1), Return(1)));
EXPECT_EQ(ana2.a, ana1.a);
EXPECT_EQ(ana2.b, ana1.b);
The test fails because the ana2 object after calling the read function does not have the field a and b properly set. Using a watch in VS I can see ana2.a and ana2.b are garbage values.
I read in GMock cook book I also need a copy constructor and an assignment operator. If I use the debugger I can see the copy constructor is called 4 times and the assignment operator is never called.
Can anyone point the error here? What do I need to do to obtain after the read in ana2 the same object as ana1?
SetArgPointee is not working with polymorphic objects :) If Read's signature is int Read(ARox *ana); and ARox is an abstract class and rox is inherited from ARox the expectations are not met