I structure a computation around the use of the RWS
) monad:
newtype Problem a = Problem { unProblem :: RWS MyEnv MyLog MyState a }
deriving ({- lots of typeclasses -})
The computation is built step by step by assembling elementary computations of the form
foo :: a -> Problem b
Sometimes, however, the subcomputations do not need the full power of the RWS
monad. For instance, consider
bar :: c -> State MyState d
I would like to use bar
as a part of a larger computation in the context of the Problem
monad. I can see three ways of doing this, none of which seems very elegant to me.
Manually unwrap the the State
computation and rewrap it in the RWS monad:
baz :: a -> RWS MyEnv MyLog MyState c
baz x = do temp <- foo x
initialState <- get
let (finalResult, finalState) = runState (bar temp) initialState
put finalState
return finalResult
Modify the type signature of bar
by lifting it into the Problem
monad. This has the downside that the new type signature does not explicitly promise that bar
is independent of MyEnv
and logs nothing to MyLog
Replace the RWS
monad by an explicit ReaderT MyEnv WriterT MyLog State MyState
monad stack. This allows me to concisely lift.lift
the bar
subcomputation into the full monad; however, this trick will not work e.g. for a subcomputation of the form c -> Reader MyEnv d
Is there a cleaner way to compose foo
and bar
? I have a hunch that a few clever definitions of type-class instances might do the trick, but I can't see exactly how to proceed.
I assume you are using mtl
(if you aren't, consider doing so - the libraries are mostly compatible, except for what follows). You can derive instances of MonadReader MyEnv
, MonadWriter MyLog
, and MonadState MyState
. Then, you can use these to generalize your functions over any monad stack that has these sort of constraints.
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Monad.RWS
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.State
newtype Problem a = Problem { unProblem :: RWS MyEnv MyLog MyState a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad,
MonadReader MyEnv, MonadWriter MyLog, MonadState MyState)
From your example, maybe bar
only needs to know that there is some state MyState
, so you can give it signature
bar :: MonadState MyState m => c -> m d
bar = ...
Then, even for foo
, which might need the full RWS
capabilities, you could write
foo :: (MonadState MyState m, MonadReader MyEnv m, MonadWriter MyLog m) => a -> m b
foo = ...
Then, you can mix and match these to your liking:
baz :: Problem ()
baz = foo 2 >> bar "hi" >> return ()
Now, why is this useful in general? It boils down to the flexibility of your monad "stack". If tomorrow you decide that you don't actually need RWS
but only State
, you can refactor Problem
accordingly and bar
(which only ever needed state in the first place) will continue to work without any changes.
In general, I try to avoid using WriterT
, StateT
etc inside auxiliary functions like foo
or bar
. Opt to keep your code there as generic and implementation-independent as possible using the typeclasses MonadWriter
, MonadState
, MonadReader
, etc. Then, you only have to use WriterT
, StateT
once inside your code: when you actually "run" your monad.
If you are using transformers
, none of this works. That isn't necessarily a bad thing: mtl
, by virtue of always being able to "find" components (like state or writer) has some problems.