Im developing an application that shows a mathematical expression in function of the content of a form.
The webpage show the different states of the expression while its rendering, and I would like to show only the last state.
I have already hidden the mathematical expression while its shown in Tex language while MathJax is rendering.
But there are still two states more:
Im trying to hide one of them through:
Stopping MathJax before typesetting
Hide the expression while processing it
Is it possible?
This is the code to create the mathematial expression.
window.UpdateMath = function () {
values = document.getElementsByClassName('level');
arrayvalues = toArray(values);
var formula = "$10 \log (";
for (i = 0; i < arrayvalues.length; i++) {
if (i == 0){
formula = formula + " 10^{ \frac{" + arrayvalues[i] + "}{10}} ";
formula = formula + " + 10^{ \frac{" + arrayvalues[i] + "}{10}} ";
formula = formula + ")$";
document.getElementById('MathOutput').style.visibility = "hidden";
document.getElementById("MathOutput").innerHTML = formula;
//reprocess the MathOutput Element
function () {
document.getElementById('MathOutput').style.visibility = "";
Full code here:
You want to turn off preprocessor previews and the fast previews. Try setting your configuration to this
"fast-preview": {disabled:true},
tex2jax: {
preview: "none",
inlineMath: [["$","$"],["\\(","\\)"]]
This should make things work a bit more like what you want.