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Missing manifest tag OpenIDE-Module

In a newly generated project I started getting this error when trying to compile the branding module:

--- nbm-maven-plugin:4.1:nbm (default-nbm) @ QualityTrends-branding --- Copying module JAR to /home/javier/Desktop/QualityTrends/branding/target/nbm/netbeans/qualitytrends/modules Cannot generate config file.

Later this is further expanded:

Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:nbm-maven-plugin:4.1:nbm (default-nbm) on project QualityTrends-branding: Missing manifest tag OpenIDE-Module; /home/javier/Desktop/QualityTrends/branding/target/nbm/netbeans/qualitytrends/modules/net-sourceforge-javydreamercsw-QualityTrends-branding.jar is not a module -> [Help 1]

Inspecting the module's manifest file shows that entry missing, but it's missing as well in all other modules, so I'm not sure what's wrong.

This are the file's contents:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle: net/sourceforge/javydreamercsw/quality/trends/branding/
AutoUpdate-Essential-Module: true

Any idea?


  • I guess you miss maven-jar-plugin in your pom.xml. Check your pom and add the following section if missed in <plugins> section.

    <plugin> <!-- required since nbm-plugin 3.0-->

    Compare your pom file with: