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How to construct Where Expression dynamically in Entity Framework?

I've taken a look at this answer on how to dynamically create an OrderBy expression in Entity Framework. But I'd like to also build a dynamic Where expression. Something along the lines of this:

public IEnumerable<InventoryItem> GetAll(string filterBy, object value)
  var results = new List<InventoryItem>();
  using (var db = new InventoryDb())
    if (QueryHelper.PropertyExists<InventoryItem>(filterBy)) 
      var query = db.rri_InventoryItems.WhereByProperty(filterBy, value); 

      foreach(var item in query.Where(expr))
  return results;

Passing in the property to filter by and a value as ab object. Queryable has two methods for Where that both take two parameters, so I am not even sure which is the proper one.

And it's at this point I get a little more lost. I'm not sure how to refactor the original OrderByProerty method to provide a WhereByProperty. I know what I have here is completely wrong. I'm not sure what to do with it.

Ideally, I'd want to extend this even more by providing a collection of objects that could be used to build a query with ands and or operators.


  • Queryable has two methods for Where that both take two parameters, so I am not even sure which is the proper one.

    You need the one that receives Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate.

    Here is how you can build dynamically a predicate similar to (T item) => item.Property == value:

    public static partial class QueryableExtensions
        public static IQueryable<T> WhereEquals<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, string member, object value)
            var item = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "item");
            var memberValue = member.Split('.').Aggregate((Expression)item, Expression.PropertyOrField);
            var memberType = memberValue.Type;
            if (value != null && value.GetType() != memberType)
                value = Convert.ChangeType(value, memberType);
            var condition = Expression.Equal(memberValue, Expression.Constant(value, memberType));
            var predicate = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(condition, item);
            return source.Where(predicate);

    I've tried to write it in such a way so you can step over the code in order to understand what it does. The only line that might need some explanation is:

    var memberValue = member.Split('.').Aggregate((Expression)item, Expression.PropertyOrField);

    This is a simple way of handling nested properties like obj.Prop1.Prop2 etc. If you don't need such capability, you can simply use this instead:

    var memberValue = Expression.PropertyOrField(item, member);