Bootstrap datetimepicker as seen here:
Specifically upon first showing, the enter key should hide the widget and place the current date into the input field. Here's some stuff I tried:
There's a dp.hide event which doesn't inject clues into the callback. So, you don't know how it got triggered.
$("#datePicker").on("dp.hide", function(e) {
// e.notSquat
It's just not clear which DOM element of the datetimepicker is actually receiving an enter key internally. It's definitely not the input element:
// handler never gets called. css selector is correct
$("#datePicker input").keypress(function(e) {
I braved it, somewhat, by jumping into the code of datetimepicker.js itself:
There are clues, for example, line 2588, but my god there must be an easier way:
// line 2588
enter: function () {
Any help is appreciated.
Figured it out, in case anyone finds this helpful. I overwrote the keyBinds.enter property when initializing the plugin.
keyBinds: {
enter: function(){
if( === null) {; // moment() is similar to new Date()
useCurrent: false