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Javascript Images onclick

Designing a page with dozens of images that can be chosen by the end-user. Trying to use the events (onclick, onmouseover and onmouseout) to make it graphically pleasing. Since each event will change several div tags, I decided to use Javascript instead of CSS.

In order to keep the onmouseout from affecting a clicked images border, I assigned a variable 'imgClicked'. Problem is that same variable changes for every picture clicked. Is there a way to assign the variable for each box so each image knows whether its been clicked or not. Or perhaps a better route to take?

Thanks in advance!

  var borderColorOver = "#26d314";
  var borderColorOff = "#7DAFE7";
  var borderColorOn = "#d40101";
  var imgClicked = 0;

  function heartMouseClick(a) {
    var heartImg = a;
    if (imgClicked < 1) {
      var images = document.getElementsByClassName('images');
      images[heartImg].style.borderColor = borderColorOn;
      var subject = document.getElementsByClassName('subject');
      subject[heartImg].style.borderColor = borderColorOn;
      imgClicked = 1;
    } else {
      var images = document.getElementsByClassName('images');
      images[heartImg].style.borderColor = borderColorOff;
      var subject = document.getElementsByClassName('subject');
      subject[heartImg].style.borderColor = borderColorOff;
      imgClicked = 0;

  function heartMouseOver(a) {
    var heartImg = a;
    if (imgClicked < 1) {
      var images = document.getElementsByClassName('images');
      images[heartImg].style.borderColor = borderColorOver;
      var subject = document.getElementsByClassName('subject');
      subject[heartImg].style.borderColor = borderColorOver;

  function heartMouseOut(a) {
    var heartImg = a;
    if (imgClicked < 1) {
      var images = document.getElementsByClassName('images');
      images[heartImg].style.borderColor = borderColorOff;
      var subject = document.getElementsByClassName('subject');
      subject[heartImg].style.borderColor = borderColorOff;
.pictureBox {
  width: 300px;
  height: 300px;
  border-style: solid;
  border-width: 0px;
.images {
  width: 300px;
  height: 200px;
.subject {
  width: 300px;
  height: 100px;
  border: 5px solid #FFBE00;

  <div class="pictureBox">
    <div class="picture">
      <img onmouseover="heartMouseOver(0)" onmouseout="heartMouseOut(0)" onclick="heartMouseClick(0)" class="images" border="5" src="photo-1.jpg">
    <div class="subject" border="5">
      Image 0 Description
  <div class="pictureBox">
      <img onmouseover="heartMouseOver(1)" onmouseout="heartMouseOut(1)" onclick="heartMouseClick(1)" class="images" border="5" src="photo-2.jpg">
    <div class="subject" border="5">
      Image 1 Description
  <div class="pictureBox">
      <img onmouseover="heartMouseOver(2)" onmouseout="heartMouseOut(2)" onclick="heartMouseClick(2)" class="images" border="5" src="photo-3.jpg">
    <div class="subject" border="5">
      Image 2 Description



  • I've modified your code some. I added id's to the dom elements and pass in the id to all methods instead of hardcoding them. Here's the new code in its entirety :

            <!doctype html>
            <meta charset="utf-8">
            <title>Untitled Document</title>
            <style type="text/css">    
            .pictureBox {
                width: 300px;
                height: 300px;
                border-style: solid;
                border-width: 0px;
            .images {
                width: 300px;
                height: 200px;
            .subject {
                width: 300px;
                height: 100px;
                border: 5px solid #FFBE00;
            var borderColorOver = "#26d314"; 
            var borderColorOff = "#7DAFE7";
            var borderColorOn = "#d40101";
            var imgClicked = 0;
            function heartMouseClick(a) {
                if (imgClicked < 1) {
                    var images = document.getElementById(a);
               = borderColorOn;
                    var subject = document.getElementById('s'+a);
               = borderColorOn;
                    imgClicked = 1;
                } else {
                    var images = document.getElementById(a);
               = borderColorOff;
                    var subject = document.getElementById('s'+a);
               = borderColorOff;
                    imgClicked = 0;
            function heartMouseOver(a) {
                if (imgClicked < 1) {
                    var images = document.getElementById(a);
               = borderColorOver;
                    var subject = document.getElementById('s'+a);
               = borderColorOver;
            function heartMouseOut(a) {
                if (imgClicked < 1) {
                    var images = document.getElementById(a);
               = borderColorOff;
                    var subject = document.getElementById('s'+a);
               = borderColorOff;
            <div class="pictureBox">    
                <div class="picture"> 
                  <img onmouseover="heartMouseOver(" onmouseout="heartMouseOut(" id="0" onclick = "heartMouseClick(" class="images" border="5" src="1.jpg">                            
                <div class="subject" id="s0" border ="5">
                    Image 0 Description
            <div class="pictureBox">            
                  <img onmouseover="heartMouseOver(" onmouseout="heartMouseOut(" id="1" onclick = "heartMouseClick(" class="images" border="5" src="emergency.jpg">                            
                <div class="subject" id="s1"  border ="5">
                    Image 1 Description
            <div class="pictureBox">            
                    <img onmouseover="heartMouseOver(" onmouseout="heartMouseOut(" id="2" onclick = "heartMouseClick(" class="images" border="5" src="lebron.jpg">                            
                <div class="subject"  id="s2" border ="5">
                    Image 2 Description

    You were on the right track, I just added id's and pass those instead.