I want to have multi-threading in my class, i.e., my @Test
method should run in parallel.
The test class has one @Test
annotated method, one @DataProvider
and one @Factory
method which is a constructor of my test-class.
I have also overridden getTestName(ITest class)
method. My test-data has 28 scenarios.
@Listeners com.loyalty.HTMLReporter.class
public class TestClass implemented ITest {
public static Object[][] dp () {
//I read test data from a file. The test-data could vary from 2 to 1000
Object tests [][] = new Object [testcaseIdMap.keyset().toArray().length][];
for (Object ket : testcaseIdMap.keySet().toArray()){
tests[i] = new Object[1];
tests[i][0] = key.toString();
return tests
@Factory (dataProvider = "dp")
public TestClass (String testcaseId) {
this.testcaseId = testcaseId;
public void TC () {
//some code
public String getTestName () {
return testcaseId;
public void createDBConnection () {
// some code
public void failedTestCases () {
//some code
If you want to run your test methods parallel, create a test suite xml file like below
<suite name="Your suite name" parallel="methods" thread-count="2" >
<test name="Your test name">
<class name="packagename.classname" />
Set number of threads as per your need.
If you want to run your dataprovider parallel, then add parallel=true in the dataprovider annotation.
@DataProvider(name = "dataprovidername",parallel=true)