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Mootools Class to Jquery

I'm converting a mootools class to Jquery, but I'm with a problem at the moment.

I've the following code (mootools)

var ListaItens = new Class({



    initialize: function(element){

        this.btnAdd = this.tabela.getElement('.add_linha button');
            this.btnAdd.addEvent('click', this.addLinha.bindWithEvent(this));


    addLinha: function(){


Now in Jquery I've this

var ListaItens = function(element, maxLinhas){


    this.btnAdd = this.tabela.find('.add_linha button')[0];
        //$(this.btnAdd).proxy('click', this.addLinha);
        $(this.btnAdd).on("click", this.addLinha);


    this.addLinha = function(){


My problem is how to bind the addline function to btnAdd. My code isn't work because the element 'this' change. And I don't know how to convert the function bindWithEvent to jquery.

Any solution?

Thanks in advance


  • As far as I know, jQuery does not provide a similar concept of classes as mootools does, so one thing you can do is to use the »classic JS approach« to create classes like so:

    function ListaItens () {
        var that = this;
        this.tabela = $(…);
        this.btnAdd = this.tabela.find(…);
        if (this.btnAdd) {
            this.this.btnAdd.on('click', function (e) {
    ListaItens.prototype.addLinha = function () {
    var instance = new ListaItens();

    So, to answer your question: What you basically need to do is to keep a reference to the »original this«