This is my first time ever working with xmldocument and i'm a bit lost. The goal is to insert:
<add key="FreitRaterHelpLoc" value="" />
<add key="FreitRaterWebHome" value="http://GPGBYTOPSPL12/" />
<add key="FreitRaterDefaultSession" value="" />
<add key="FreitRaterTransferMode" value="Buffered" />
<add key="FreitRaterMaxMsgSize" value="524288" />
<add key="FreitRaterMaxArray" value="16384" />
<add key="FreitRaterMaxString" value="32768" />
<add key="FreitRaterSvcTimeout" value="60" />
into a specific place in my XmlDoc.
so far i've started out just focusing on the first element
XmlElement root = Document.CreateElement("appSettings");
XmlElement id = Document.CreateElement("add");
id.SetAttribute("key", "FreitRaterHelpLoc");
id.SetAttribute("value", "");
but is this sufficient for adding the rest of the elements? For example this is what i have for line 2
id = Document.CreateElement("add");
id.SetAttribute("key", "FreitRaterWebHome");
id.SetAttribute("value", "http://GPGBYTOPSPL12/");
im not sure if InsertAfter would be necessary here, or in general what would be the best way to get this block of text in. Again, XmlDoc rookie
I'd strongly advise using LINQ to XML instead of XmlDocument
. It's a much nicer API - you can simply create your document in a declarative manner:
var settings = new XElement("appSettings",
new XElement("add",
new XAttribute("key", "FreitRaterHelpLoc"),
new XAttribute("value", "")),
new XElement("add",
new XAttribute("key", "FreitRaterWebHome"),
new XAttribute("value", "http://GPGBYTOPSPL12/")),
new XElement("add",
new XAttribute("key", "FreitRaterDefaultSession"),
new XAttribute("value", ""))
Or maybe even generate parts of it from other objects by declaring simple transformations:
var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>
{"FreitRaterHelpLoc", ""},
{"FreitRaterWebHome", "http://GPGBYTOPSPL12/"},
{"FreitRaterDefaultSession", ""},
var keyValues =
from pair in dictionary
select new XElement("add",
new XAttribute("key", pair.Key),
new XAttribute("value", pair.Value));
var settings = new XElement("appSettings", keyValues);