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Rails 5 enum inside model's Concerns generates NameError: uninitialized constant

Rails 5 here.

I tried without luck to load a concern inside my User model (devise model). The include Levelable works without any problem on other models. Do I have to configure a special config/helper/initializer regarding this special model to make it work?

Model concern Levelable is used by models User and Client

require 'active_support/concern'

module Levelable
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    enum level: { beginner: 0, intermediate: 1, advanced: 2, very_advanced: 3 }

And the model (shortened for readability)

class User < ApplicationRecord

  # Include default devise modules. Others available are:
  # :confirmable, :lockable, :timeoutable and :omniauthable
  devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable, :confirmable

  include Levelable


This setup result is a: NameError: uninitialized constant User::Levelable Same error happens on Client model so I guess something is not working with my concerns load. I already tried to autoload the path inside config/application.rb without any change.

I can not figure out how to make the load of the Concerns works, any help would be great. Thank you !


  • I had this problem some time ago and after some digging I found out that my concern files where named using the Capitalize form (for some crazy reason).

    So I renamed them from Searchable.rb to searchable.rb and it's all done! :)

    PS. IF you use git/github, the diff isn't case sensitive so if you rename them from Levelable.rb to levelable.rb it won't appear in the git status.
