Does anyone know of a way to export a list (preferably xlsx) of all resources and their associations.
For example I would like to know in one row on a spreadsheet the name of a VM, virtualNIC, StorageAccount, vNet, ResourceGroup, SecurityGroup and any other resource associated with the VM itself.
The purpose is to see at a glance how all resources are associated so for example if I added port rules to a SecurityGroup I would be able to see all other resources affected.
You can use a script like this
Function Dump-VirtualMachinesV1($outputPath) {
$VMs = Find-AzureRmResource -ResourceType 'Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines' -ExpandProperties | Sort-Object ResourceName
$output = "Name,Location,IP,VNET,OS,Azure Size,Core,RAM,OS Disks,Temp Disk,Data Disks (TB),Resource Groups,C (OS),Temp, Data,Storage Account,Diagnostics Storage Account,Endpoints,Status,VIP`n"
foreach ( $vm in $VMs ) {
$vmSize = FixSize($vm.Properties.HardwareProfile.Size)
$vmCores = (GetVmConfig($vm.Properties.HardwareProfile.Size)).Cores
$vmRAM = (GetVmConfig($vm.Properties.HardwareProfile.Size)).RAM
$diagnosticsStorageAccount = GetDiagnosticsStorageAccount($VM.Properties)
$endpoints = GetEndpoints($vm.Properties)
$output += $vm.Name + "," +`
$vm.Location + "," +`
$vm.Properties.InstanceView.PrivateIpAddress + "," +`
$vm.Properties.NetworkProfile.VirtualNetwork.Name + "," +`
$vm.Properties.StorageProfile.OperatingSystemDisk.OperatingSystem + "," +`
$vmSize + "," +`
$vmCores + "," +`
$vmRAM + "," +`
"1," +`
"1," +`
$vm.Properties.StorageProfile.DataDisks.Count + "," +`
$vm.ResourceGroupName + "," +`
$vm.Properties.DomainName.Name + "," +`
"," +`
"," +`
$vm.Properties.StorageProfile.OperatingSystemDisk.StorageAccount.Name + "," +`
$diagnosticsStorageAccount + "," +`
$endpoints + "," +`
$vm.Properties.InstanceView.Status + "," +`
$vm.Properties.InstanceView.PublicIpAddresses + "`n"
$output | Out-File -Encoding ascii $outputPath
Function Dump-VirtualMachinesV2($outputPath) {
$VMs = Find-AzureRmResource -ResourceType 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' -ExpandProperties | Sort-Object ResourceName
$output = "Name,Location,IP,VNET,OS,Azure Size,Core,RAM,OS Disks,Temp Disk,Data Disks (TB),Cloud Services,C (OS),Temp, Data,Storage Account,Diagnostics Storage Account,Endpoints,Status,VIP`n"
foreach ( $vm in $VMs ) {
$vmSize = FixSize($vm.Properties.HardwareProfile.VMSize)
$vmCores = (GetVmConfig($vm.Properties.HardwareProfile.VMSize)).Cores
$vmRAM = (GetVmConfig($vm.Properties.HardwareProfile.VMSize)).RAM
$diagnosticStorageAccount = GetDiagnosticsStorageAccount($vm.Properties)
$endpoints = GetEndpoints($vm.Properties)
$vm.Properties.StorageProfile.OsDisk.VHD -match "https*://(\w+)"
$osStorageAccount = $matches[1]
$output += $vm.Name + "," +`
$vm.Location + "," +`
$vm.Properties.InstanceView.PrivateIpAddress + "," +`
$vm.Properties.NetworkProfile.VirtualNetwork.Name + "," +`
$vm.Properties.StorageProfile.OsDisk.OsType + "," +`
$vmSize + "," +`
$vmCores + "," +`
$vmRAM + "," +`
"1," + `
"1," + `
$vm.Properties.StorageProfile.DataDisks.Count + "," +`
$vm.Properties.DomainName.Name + "," + `
"," + `
"," + `
"," + `
$osStorageAccount + "s," +`
$diagnosticsStorageAccount + "," +`
$endpoints + "," +`
$vm.Properties.InstanceView.Status + "," +`
$vm.Properties.InstanceView.PublicIpAddresses + "`n"
$output | Out-File -Encoding ascii $outputPath
Function FixSize ($size) {
Switch ($size) {
'Extra Small' {$size = 'Standard_A0'}
'Small' {$size = 'Standard_A1'}
'Medium' {$size = 'Standard_A2'}
'Large' {$size = 'Standard_A3'}
'Extra Large' {$size = 'Standard_A4'}
return $size
Function GetVmConfig($size) {
$size = FixSize($size)
$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 0; "RAM" = 0}
switch -Regex ($size) {
"A0$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 1; "RAM" = 0.75}}
"A1$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 1; "RAM" = 1.75}}
"A2$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 2; "RAM" = 3.5}}
"A3$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 4; "RAM" = 7}}
"A4$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 8; "RAM" = 14}}
"A5$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 2; "RAM" = 14}}
"A6$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 4; "RAM" = 28}}
"A7$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 8; "RAM" = 56}}
"A8$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 8; "RAM" = 56}}
"A9$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 16; "RAM" = 112}}
"A10$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 8; "RAM" = 56}}
"A11$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 16; "RAM" = 112}}
"DS?1(_v2)?$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 1; "RAM" = 3.5}}
"DS?2(_v2)?$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 2; "RAM" = 7}}
"DS?3(_v2)?$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 4; "RAM" = 14}}
"DS?4(_v2)?$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 8; "RAM" = 28}}
"DS?5(_v2)?$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 16; "RAM" = 56}}
"DS?11(_v2)?$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 2; "RAM" = 14}}
"DS?12(_v2)?$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 4; "RAM" = 28}}
"DS?13(_v2)?$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 8; "RAM" = 56}}
"DS?14(_v2)?$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 16; "RAM" = 112}}
"GS?1$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 2; "RAM" = 28}}
"GS?2$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 4; "RAM" = 56}}
"GS?3$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 8; "RAM" = 112}}
"GS?4$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 16; "RAM" = 224}}
"GS?5$" {$vmConfig = @{"Cores" = 32; "RAM" = 448}}
return $vmConfig
Function GetVip($properties) {
$vip = ''
$inputEndpoints = $properties.NetworkProfile.InputEndpoints
if ($inputEndpoints.Count -gt 0) {
$vip = $inputEndpoints[0].publicIpAddress
return $vip
Function GetEndpoints($properties) {
$endpoints = ''
$inputEndpoints = $properties.NetworkProfile.InputEndpoints
if ($inputEndpoints.Count -gt 0) {
$endpoints += $inputEndpoints.PublicPort + ' '
return $endpoints
Function GetDiagnosticsStorageAccount($properties) {
$storageAccount = ''
foreach ($extension in $properties.Extensions) {
if ($extension.Extension -eq 'IaaSDiagnostics') {
$storageAccount = $extension.Parameters.Public.StorageAccount
return $storageAccount
$outputPathV1 = "c:\temp\Azure\Q2-VMv1.csv"
$outputPathV2 = "c:\temp\Azure\Q2-VMv2.csv"