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Migrating from DDay.Ical.Net to Ical.Net

Hi I am migrating from DDay.ical to Ical.Net nuget pacakages but I get stuck in the following code which add Timezone in DDay.Ical calendar please help

Previous code:

List<DOAppointment> lst = objResponse.Appointments;
string timeZoneName = objResponse.UserTimezone; 
iCalendar calendar = new DDay.iCal.iCalendar();
var timeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(timeZoneName); 

Migrating into Ical.Net:

  List<DOAppointment> lst = objResponse.Appointments;
  string timeZoneName = objResponse.UserTimezone;
  Ical.Net.Calendar calendar = new Ical.Net.Calendar();
  var  timeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(timeZoneName); 
  ITimeZone tzID = timeZone;

Here I know that calendar.AddTimezone will take ITimezone but how to pass it I am not getting please help.


  • VTimeZone is the concrete implementation of the ITimeZone interface. The example would look like this:

    var calendar = new Ical.Net.Calendar();
    // supports BCL time zones as well as IANA time zones
    calendar.AddTimeZone(new VTimeZone(objResponse.UserTimezone));

    In the future, I may change the VTimeZone constructor to throw an exception if the time zone string doesn't match anything known. Right now, though, it's pretty dumb. Behind the scenes, will default to the system time zone that the code is running on, if all else fails. That's probably not good.

    I also added a wiki page with an adaptation of your question: