Please check my plunkr here:
I have a simple computer function:
self.SubscribersOrEmails = ko.computed(function() {
var counter = 0;
if (self.Emails != null && self.Subscribers != null) {
counter = self.Emails().length + self.Subscribers().length;
console.log("counter: " + counter);
return counter;
}, self);
When I get to use it like this:
then I get the error that 'SubscribersOrEmails is not a function'
but when I do console.log(self.SubscribersOrEmails)
then it prints out a function. So it IS a function.
How do I use it then? I want it to return an integer. Currently it returns a function, but I am not allowed to evaluate it.
Any idea what is going on with it?
Some people have been seeing an old version of the plunkr for some bizarre reason.
I can now see that it's a declaration order issue. If I do this:
self.SubscribersOrEmails = ko.computed(function() {
var counter = 0;
if (self.Emails != null && self.Subscribers != null) {
counter = self.Emails().length + self.Subscribers().length;
console.log("counter: " + counter);
return counter;
}, self);
self.Subscribers = ko.observableArray().extend({ required: { onlyIf: function () { console.log(self.SubscribersOrEmails()); return self.SubscribersOrEmails === 0}, params: 'Subscribers', message: "Please either select a user or type email address(es)" } })
self.Emails = ko.observableArray().extend({ required: { onlyIf: function () { return self.SubscribersOrEmails == 0 }, params: 'Emails' } })
Then the function works but Emails and Subscribers is always zero because they don't exist when they are read.
If I do the opposite then the function doesn't exist.
So all possible order declarations cause problems :(
This is because your order of declaration. In the extend method, you are referring to a method that hasn't been declared yet. You can fix this by extending those observables after declaring that computed property.
self.Subscribers = ko.observableArray();
self.Emails = ko.observableArray();
self.SubscribersOrEmails = ko.computed(function() {
var counter = 0;
if (self.Emails != null && self.Subscribers != null) {
counter = self.Emails().length + self.Subscribers().length;
console.log("counter: " + counter);
return counter;
}, self);
self.Subscribers.extend({ required: { onlyIf: function () { return self.SubscribersOrEmails == 0 }, params: 'Subscribers', message: "Please either select a user or type email address(es)" } })
self.Emails.extend({ required: { onlyIf: function () { return self.SubscribersOrEmails == 0 }, params: 'Emails' } })