Search code examples

Fetching relation to PFObject cloud code

I have a PFUser that has a days relation to a Day PFObject.

In my database it looks like this:

    "_id": "WjLAnMuRmp",
    "name": "c",
    "_created_at": {
        "$date": "2016-08-04T15:28:51.759Z"
    "_updated_at": {
        "$date": "2016-08-24T19:44:44.774Z"
    "days": [
            "__type": "Pointer",
            "className": "Day",
            "objectId": "BrQwmKAbJC"
            "__type": "Pointer",
            "className": "Day",
            "objectId": "6wuDMl4kKI"

Pretty straight forward. In my cloud code, I'm trying to send up a PFUser objectId, then fetch all the days they have and iterate over them. For some strange reason I keep getting 0 returned when I do a relation query.

Here is what I'm working with:

Parse.Cloud.define("getDayAveragesForUser", function(request, response) {


  // Create the query on the User class
  var fetchedUser = new Parse.User({id:request.params.userObjectId});

  console.log("the fetched user: " +;

  var relation = fetchedUser.relation("days");

  var query = relation.query();
    success: function(results) {
      console.log("Successfully retrieved " + results.length + " Days.");
    error: function(error) {
      console.log("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);

When I print the it's correct so I know I'm on the right user. This seems based on the documentation example:

var relation = user.relation("likes");
  success: function(list) {
    // list contains the posts that the current user likes.

This should be working fine.


I just add this to my Cloud Code to test:

  var days = fetchedUser.get("days");

  console.log("type of: " + typeof days);

which from this I get:

type of: undefined


  • The reason is that your days are not saved as relations but as a pointers. And in parse relations and pointers are handled in different ways. In order to fetch the days pointer you need to change your query to look like the following:

    var userQuery = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
    userQuery.include("days"); // include the days pointer in the results
    userQuery.get(request.params.userObjectId, {
      success: function(user) {
        // This function will *not* be called.
        console.log(user.get("days")); // print the days to console
      error: function(error) {