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Bank Account Program Logic Error

I create a very basic bank account program for homework and I keep getting a logic error. Instead of the program giving the total balance after the depositing, withdrawing, and adding interest it just outputs the amount deposited - withdrawn.I appreciate the help, thanks!

public class BankAccount 

    public BankAccount(double initBalance, double initInterest)
        balance = 0;
        interest = 0;

    public void deposit(double amtDep)
        balance = balance + amtDep;

    public void withdraw(double amtWd)
        balance = balance - amtWd;

    public void addInterest()
        balance = balance + balance * interest;

    public double checkBal()
        return balance;

    private double balance;
    private double interest;

Test Class

public class BankTester

    public static void main(String[] args) 
        BankAccount account1 = new BankAccount(500, .01);
        //Outputs 50 instead of 555.5



  • I believe the problem is in your constructor:

    public BankAccount(double initBalance, double initInterest)
        balance = 0; // try balance = initBalance
        interest = 0; // try interest = initInterest