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Javascript Loop to Call a Function

Trying to figure out onmouseover, onmouseout and onclick with several pictures all having the same ID tag. To do that, I understand I need a .length loop.

This code works without the length loop...

window.onload = setPictures;
function setPictures() {
    var img = document.getElementById("pictureBox");
        img.onmouseover = mouseOverImage;
        img.onmouseout= mouseOutImage; 
function mouseOverImage() {
    var img = document.getElementById("myImg"); = .5;
function mouseOutImage() {
    var img = document.getElementById("myImg"); = 1;

This is the loop function I attempted that is not working.

window.onload = setPictures;
function setPictures() {
   var img = document.getElementById("pictureBox");
   for (var i=0; i<img.length; i++) {       
      img[i].onmouseover = mouseOverImage;
      img[i].onmouseout= mouseOutImage;}

Please advise, and thank you in advance for your help!


  • getElementById only returns one element, as ID's should be unique.

    Instead, add a class to each element and select them by class. Callbacks can rely on this's context for your mouse events:

    function mouseOverImage() { = .5;
    function mouseOutImage() { = 1;
    window.onload = function setPictures() {
        var imageCollection = document.getElementsByClassName('pictureBox');
        for (var i=0; i < imageCollection.length; i++) {       
            imageCollection[i].onmouseover = mouseOverImage;
            imageCollection[i].onmouseout = mouseOutImage;