I'm converting HTML4 to HTML5, and I have this:
<font face="Verdana" size="2">
The above is no longer supported in HTML5. What value and unit does the font size above map to in CSS?
So the Font tag had 7 degrees of freedom. You can specify a value between 1 and 7. 7 is largest and 3 is default
In CSS you have the font-size property, also 7 degrees of freedom, the constants for it are not numeric, and medium (which is the 3rd value) is the default.
FONT Tag font-size CSS
N/A xx-small
1 x-small
2 small
3 medium (default values)
4 large
5 x-large
6 xx-large
7 N/A
So if you consider that the default values do not match up exactly betewen both standards, then we can assume that the standards are slightly different, without 1:1 mapping or meaning. Your value of 2, might be small and it might not. I do think that is probably is small though.
You will discover that other factors are coming into play with CSS, and you will generally discover other discrepancies that prevent a direct conversion between the Font tag and the CSS properties. You might be safe on this one, though, as these values are defined as "absolute sizes".
see: It Depends see: Size to px