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How to select previous row in a QTreeView?

I have a QTreeView with single column and multiple row (lets say 5 rows). What I want to achieve is that if I select a row, I want to re-select previous row on some condition.

Here is the code I have:


#ifndef MYWIDGET_H
#define MYWIDGET_H

#include <QWidget>
#include <QTreeView>
#include <QStandardItemModel>
#include <QStandardItem>
#include <QModelIndex>
#include <QHBoxLayout>

class MyWidget : public QWidget

    MyWidget(QWidget *parent = 0);

private slots:
    void _OnTreeViewCurrentRowChanged(const QModelIndex &rcqmiCurrIndex,
        const QModelIndex &rcqmiPrevIndex);

    QHBoxLayout *_pLayout;

    QTreeView *_pTreeView;
    QStandardItemModel *_pStandardItemModel;
    QStandardItem *_pStandardItem;



#include "MyWidget.h"

static bool bCondition = false;

MyWidget::MyWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
    _pLayout = new QHBoxLayout(this);

    _pTreeView = new QTreeView(this);
    _pStandardItemModel = new QStandardItemModel(_pTreeView);
    _pStandardItem = new QStandardItem("Column A");


    _pStandardItemModel->setHorizontalHeaderItem(0, _pStandardItem);


    // add rows

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
        QStandardItem *pStandardItem = new QStandardItem(
            QString("Row: %1").arg(i + 1));



    // update view

        SIGNAL(currentRowChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)),
        this, SLOT(_OnTreeViewCurrentRowChanged(const QModelIndex &,
        const QModelIndex &)));



void MyWidget::_OnTreeViewCurrentRowChanged(
    const QModelIndex &rcqmiCurrIndex, const QModelIndex &rcqmiPrevIndex)
    if (bCondition) // some condition

        // select previous index
            rcqmiPrevIndex, QItemSelectionModel::SelectCurrent);


        // update view

    bCondition = !bCondition;

In _OnTreeViewCurrentRowChanged(...), I can see that "selection" of tree view's selection model is updated with QItemSelectionModel::setCurrentIndex(rcqmiPrevIndex, QItemSelectionModel::SelectCurrent); but the tree view's row selection is NOT updated, still the rcqmiCurrIndex is selected.

What am I missing here?

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.


  • Use the QItemSelectionModel::select() method.

    _pTreeView->selectionModel()->select(rcqmiPrevIndex, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect);


    There is probably another problem: The _OnTreeViewCurrentRowChanged(...) is probably a slot invoked when the current row is changed, right? That means you are changing the selection twice in single event. This is not a good idea. Use the QTimer to perform the selection in the next event loop cycle:

    // lambda
    auto func = [this, rcqmiPrevIndex](){
        _pTreeView->selectionModel()->select(rcqmiPrevIndex, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect);
    // A QTimer with a timeout interval of 0 will time out as soon as all the events in the window system's event queue have been processed.
    QTimer::singleShot(0, func);