I have the following document
"_id": "57b4c5f0291ebb13110b888e",
"first": "John",
"last": "Smith",
"email": "[email protected]",
"fulfillments": [
"_id": "57b683e531a5a21679b78e6d",
"created_by_name": "John Smith",
"created_by_id": "57b4c5f0291ebb23110b888e",
"fulfilled_by_name": "John Smith",
"fulfilled_by_id": "57b4c5f0291ebb13110b888e",
"date": new Date("2016-08-23T13:58:15-0700")
For which I have a mongo query that I want to just return the list of fulfillments that have not already occured. This means that the date
property on the fulfillment embedded document is greater than the current time.
{ $match : { "_id" : "57b4c5f0291ebb13110b888e" } },
{ $project : {
"fulfillments" : {
$filter : {
"input" : "$fulfillments",
"as" : "item",
"cond" : ...SOMETHING HERE TO FILTER ON 'date'
{ $unwind : "$fulfillments" },
{ $project : {
"created_by_name" : "$fulfillments.created_by_name",
"created_by_id" : "$fulfillments.created_by_id",
"fulfilled_by_name" : "$fulfillments.fulfilled_by_name",
"fulfilled_by_id" : "$fulfillments.fulfilled_by_id",
"date" : "$fulfillments.date"
I can't figure out what the proper way is to filter on only fulfillments that the date
has not already occured.
The following should give you the desired result
$project : {
"fulfillments" : {
$filter : {
"input" : "$fulfillments",
"as" : "item",
"cond" : { $gt: [ "$$item.date", new Date() ] }