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The annotation @Qualifier is disallowed for this location

@Autowired(required = true)
public void setCriteriaBuilder(IQueryCriteriaBuilder<Entity> criteriabuilder)

This in the code I have in a java file and i keep getting a error saying: "The annotation @qualifier is diallowed for this location." Can someone explain to me how I can fix this error? I have it twice in my code and have had trouble finding a solution.


  • I believe you'll have more luck using it on the parameter of your method, like so:

    public void setCriteriaBuilder(
        @Qualifier("hibernateCriteriaBuilder") IQueryCriteriaBuilder<Entity> criteriabuilder)

    You cannot use @Qualifier on a method, because what if you wanted to autowire two beans instead of just one -- how would it know which one is which?