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How to play a sound when a specific key is pressed?

I'm trying to create a drums applet. So every part of the drum has corresponding keys in the keyboard and if you press it, a sound plays. How do I play a sound using keys?


  • Okay. So you need the samples of the different drum kit sound, eg. Kick, Snare, Hihat, crash, etc. It's best if you have them in a .wav format. So what you've got to do is using Event Handling, play the corresponding audio when a key is pressed. Make sure all the audio samples are in the same directory as he current project is. Even though writing a code and just doing your homework for you is not a policy to be followed here, I'll write a structure that will explain the thing to you.

    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class DrumApplet extends Applet implements KeyListener{
        //declaring Audio variables
        AudioClip kick, snare, hat_close, hat_opem, crash, tom;
        public void init(){
            kick = this.getAudioClip(getDocumentBase(), "kick.wav");
            snare = this.getAudioClip(getDocumentBase(), "snare.wav");
            //load all other audio samples
            addKeyListener(this); //to detect the press of a key
        public void paint(Graphics g){
            //display message as to which key to press to play a sound
        public void keyPressed(KeyEvent K){
            char X = K.getKeyCode();
            if(X == 'K')
  ; //play kick.wav when K is pressed
            if(X == 'S')
  ; //play snare.wav when S is pressed
            if(X == 'T')
  ; //play tom.wav when T is pressed
            if(X == 'O')
  ; //play hat_open.wav when O is pressed
            //write if statements for the rest of the Keys
        public void keyReleased(KeyEvent K){}
        public void keyTyped(KeyEvent K){}

    Hope this will help you understand.