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TCP IP Listener in windows Service

I'm trying to create a windows service that needs to run in the background and listen for incoming traffic (a normal and regular TCP listener)

my code is:

private TcpListener server;

public void startServer()
       // EventLog.WriteEntry(source, "connected on: " + ipAddress.ToString() + " port: " + Service1.Port.ToString());

        server = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Parse(""), Service1.Port);

        while (true)
          var client = server.AcceptTcpClient();

            new Thread(work).Start(client);


 public void work(object client)
        string msg = null;
        var clientLocal = (TcpClient)client;

            using (NetworkStream ns = clientLocal.GetStream())
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ns))
            byte[] msgFullArray = new UTF8Encoding(true).GetBytes(msg);
            fs.Write(msgFullArray, 0, msg.Length);

now if you don't look at the work method at all as whenever i start my service it freezes whenever i try to start it at my :

 var client = server.AcceptTcpClient();

meaning my service never gets to use the Thread or my Work method.. i can see from previous logging that it enters my while loop and then just times out the service


  • In your OnStart Method you have to instantiate a server class.

    protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
      // Create the Server Object ans Start it.
      server = new TCPServer();

    that is responsible to handle the connections to the server by creating a new Thread (so that it is a non-blocking process)

    public void StartServer()
      if (m_server!=null)
        // Create a ArrayList for storing SocketListeners before
        // starting the server.
        m_socketListenersList = new ArrayList();
        // Start the Server and start the thread to listen client 
        // requests.
        m_serverThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ServerThreadStart));
        // Create a low priority thread that checks and deletes client
        // SocktConnection objcts that are marked for deletion.
        m_purgingThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(PurgingThreadStart));

    for each socket that it will be listening by a TCPListener.

    private void ServerThreadStart()
      // Client Socket variable;
      Socket clientSocket = null;
      TCPSocketListener socketListener = null;
          // Wait for any client requests and if there is any 
          // request from any client accept it (Wait indefinitely).
          clientSocket = m_server.AcceptSocket();
          // Create a SocketListener object for the client.
          socketListener = new TCPSocketListener(clientSocket);
          // Add the socket listener to an array list in a thread 
          // safe fashon.
          // Start a communicating with the client in a different
          // thread.
        catch (SocketException se)
          m_stopServer = true;

    Here it is the full project article.