I am using kaltura dynamic embed player in my application, there user can set cue points to video. When i set any cue point on video,it is not reflected on player instantly. Sometimes, it takes 2 or 3 min to reflect. We are giving a preview functionality, so that's why i need it instantly.
Add cuepoints on kaltura
var cuePoint = new kaltura.kc.objects.KalturaAdCuePoint();
cuePoint.entryId = entryId;
cuePoint.startTime = startTime;
cuePoint.title = title;
kalturaClient.cuePoint.add(function(results) {
Events to listen cue points
'targetId': 'embedPlayer',
'wid': '',
'uiconf_id' : '',
'entry_id' : entry_id,
'autoPlay': false,
'readyCallback': function( playerId ){
console.log( "kWidget player ready: " + playerId );
player = $( '#' + playerId ).get(0);
player.kBind( "adOpportunity", "cuePointReached");
var cuePointReached = function(qPoint){
console.log("cuePointReached " + qPoint)
I just want to know, is it a behaviour of kaltura or i am doing something wrong ?
Thanks in advance
We can override cue point data at run time.
'targetId': 'kaltura_player',
'wid': '_243342',
'uiconf_id' : '13306622',
'entry_id' : '0_uka1msg4',
'flashvars': {
'vast': {
'trackCuePoints': true
'name':"This shows partial runtime override of entry name"
'entryCuePoints': [{
"protocolType": 1,
"adType": 1,
"cuePointType": "adCuePoint.Ad",
"startTime": 5000,
"sourceUrl": "http://projects.kaltura.com/mdale/hotelVastAd.xml"