Hi guys I have created an android studio 2.1 project on my laptop sometime ago and have gotten pretty far with it. I now have a desktop PC that I would LOVE to put my project onto and continue development on. Everything builds just fine on the laptop but when i copy over the entire project over to my desktop it keeps giving me an error for the dex file being over 64k which is clearly not the case on my laptop. I believe im moving the project over to the desktop wrong. I tried many different ways but always get errors when doing so, the closes I got was when I went on my desktop and opened just the gradle.build file in android studio and let it load the project from there. But as stated earlier I get the "dex file exceeds 64k methods". Any help is appreciated.
create the git repository account and clone it from git repository on other system .
use the multidexEnabled option as true in build.gradle to avoid the multidexing issues