Let's say that I have two differents enumeration
public enum SomeEnumClass {
private static final SomeEnumClass[] mValues = SomeEnumClass .values();
ONE(1), TWO(2), THREE(3);
public enum OtherEnumClass {
private static final OtherEnumClass[] mValues = OtherEnumClass .values();
Monday(1), Tuesday(2), Wednesday(3), Thrusday(4), Friday(5), Saturday(6), Sunday(7)
The enum have in common the type of data they carry (here, an int), and differ in their name and number of possible values.
For each of those enum, I have several method to implements, which are strictly identical. Example:
public static OtherEnumClass getCell(int index)
if (index < OtherEnumClass .mValues.length )
return OtherEnumClass .mValues[index];
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid " + OtherEnumClass .class.getSimpleName() + " value: " + index);
I am trying to find a way to avoid duplication of those methods, like I would do with abstract classes. But so far I am coming with nothing.
We are using java 1.6 and cannot upgrade for now. Any help is appreciated. thanks.
Your code example is a bit misleading as it returns the constant with the same ordinal rather than the one with the same property value. In order to abstract the search for a constant with a property value, you have to abstract the property, e.g.
interface TypeWithIntProperty {
int getProperty();
enum Number implements TypeWithIntProperty {
ONE(1), TWO(2), THREE(3);
private final int value;
Number(int value) {
public int getProperty() {
return value;
enum DayOfWeek implements TypeWithIntProperty {
Monday(1), Tuesday(2), Wednesday(3), Thrusday(4), Friday(5), Saturday(6), Sunday(7);
private final int value;
DayOfWeek(int value) {
public int getProperty() {
return value;
public class Helper {
public static <E extends Enum<E>&TypeWithIntProperty>
E getEnumItem(Class<E> type, int value) {
for(E constant: type.getEnumConstants())
if(value == constant.getProperty())
return constant;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("no constant with "+value+" in "+type);
DayOfWeek day=Helper.getEnumItem(DayOfWeek.class, 7);
Number no=Helper.getEnumItem(Number.class, 2);
If the properties have different types, you can make the interface generic:
interface TypeWithIntProperty<T> {
T getProperty();
enum Number implements TypeWithIntProperty<String> {
public String getProperty() {
return name().toLowerCase();
enum DayOfWeek implements TypeWithIntProperty<Integer> {
Monday(1), Tuesday(2), Wednesday(3), Thrusday(4), Friday(5), Saturday(6), Sunday(7);
private final int value;
DayOfWeek(int value) {
public Integer getProperty() {
return value;
public class Helper {
public static <E extends Enum<E>&TypeWithIntProperty<P>,P>
E getEnumItem(Class<E> type, P value) {
for(E constant: type.getEnumConstants())
return constant;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("no constant with "+value+" in "+type);
DayOfWeek day=Helper.getEnumItem(DayOfWeek.class, 7);
Number no=Helper.getEnumItem(Number.class, "two");
A cleaner, but more verbose (under Java 6) alternative is to separate the property abstraction from the type having the property:
interface Property<T,V> {
V get(T owner);
enum Number {
static final Property<Number,String> NAME=new Property<Number,String>() {
public String get(Number owner) { return owner.getName(); }
public String getName() {
return name().toLowerCase();
enum DayOfWeek {
Monday(1), Tuesday(2), Wednesday(3), Thrusday(4), Friday(5), Saturday(6), Sunday(7);
static final Property<DayOfWeek,Integer> INDEX=new Property<DayOfWeek,Integer>() {
public Integer get(DayOfWeek owner) { return owner.getIndex(); }
private final int index;
DayOfWeek(int value) {
public int getIndex() {
return index;
public class Helper {
public static <E extends Enum<E>,P>
E getEnumItem(Class<E> type, Property<E,P> prop, P value) {
for(E constant: type.getEnumConstants())
return constant;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("no constant with "+value+" in "+type);
DayOfWeek day=Helper.getEnumItem(DayOfWeek.class, DayOfWeek.INDEX, 7);
Number no=Helper.getEnumItem(Number.class, Number.NAME, "two");
This would be much simpler in Java 8 where you can implement Property
as DayOfWeek::getIndex
or Number::getName
instead of inner classes, on the other hand, since we don’t benefit from the single-method interface in Java 6, we can turn this into an advantage by using an abstract base class which can provide the functionality, now even with caching:
abstract class Property<T extends Enum<T>,V> {
final Class<T> type;
final Map<V,T> map;
Property(Class<T> type) {
map=new HashMap<V, T>();
for(T constant: type.getEnumConstants())
T old = map.put(get(constant), constant);
throw new IllegalStateException("values not unique: "+get(constant));
abstract V get(T owner);
T getConstant(V value) {
T constant=map.get(value);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("no constant "+value+" in "+type);
return constant;
enum Number {
static final Property<Number,String> NAME=new Property<Number,String>(Number.class) {
public String get(Number owner) { return owner.getName(); }
public String getName() {
return name().toLowerCase();
enum DayOfWeek {
Monday(1), Tuesday(2), Wednesday(3), Thrusday(4), Friday(5), Saturday(6), Sunday(7);
static final Property<DayOfWeek,Integer> INDEX
=new Property<DayOfWeek,Integer>(DayOfWeek.class) {
public Integer get(DayOfWeek owner) { return owner.getIndex(); }
private final int index;
DayOfWeek(int value) {
public int getIndex() {
return index;
DayOfWeek day=DayOfWeek.INDEX.getConstant(7);
Number no=Number.NAME.getConstant("two");