I am trying to find and update the values of a string. The string is a recurrence rule sent by a client which I need to get the until property and add time to it. (Ps the setTime/setHour... is depricated)
What i have is:
import java.util.Calendar;
public class TestReplaceString {
* @param args
public static void main(final String[] args) {
String originalRecurrenceRule = "FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=FR;WKST=MO;UNTIL=20160731T223030Z;";
System.out.println("Unformated: " + originalRecurrenceRule);
System.out.println("Formated: " + originalRecurrenceRule.replaceAll("UNTIL.*?Z", "UNTIL=" + "sameDateAsPassedByTheCLient" + "T235959Z;"));
The problem with this is that I need to keep the date supplied by the client and only add time eg
The date 20170101T220000Z would become 20170101T235959Z
What i was trying to accomplish is something like a validator to get the property UNTIL from the string and change it. Any suggestions are welcome.
Kind Regards
Something like this might be a bit more suitable:
String originalRecurrenceRule = "FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=FR;WKST=MO;UNTIL=20160731T223030Z;";
String until = originalRecurrenceRule.substring(originalRecurrenceRule.indexOf("UNTIL"), originalRecurrenceRule.indexOf(";", originalRecurrenceRule.indexOf("UNTIL")));
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat();
Date date = sdf.parse(until.substring(until.indexOf("=") + 1),until.length() - 1);
originalRecurrenceRule.replace(until, "UNTIL="+ date.toString() + ";");