I have a Label, but it should only be as long as the form. If the label is longer it should start on a new line. How can I realize this? I am using QtQuick Controls 2.0
My current code for the Label:
Label {
id: lblMsg
width: ApplicationWindow.width - 10 // not working
text: "ajksdlldjklasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasd"
x: 20
y: 20
Use the wrapMode
Label {
id: lblMsg
width: ApplicationWindow.width - 10
text: "ajksdlldjklasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasd"
x: 20
y: 20
wrapMode: Label.WordWrap
I'd suggest using Qt Quick Layouts to manage the layout of your application instead of sizing items manually.