I want to use Redux connect and asyncConnect in a stateless component (pure function), so I need to refactor these class decorators into regular function calls.
However, I cannot find an example of asyncConnect with connect anywhere.
Here's what I have:
deferred: true,
promise: ({ params, store: { dispatch, getState } }) => {
if (!isLoaded(getState())) {
return dispatch(loadUser(params.userID))
state => ({ // eslint-disable-line
user: state.publicData.user.data,
error: state.publicData.user.error,
loading: state.publicData.user.loading,
{ initializeWithKey })
export default class UserProfile extends Component {
Here's what I need:
)(props => <div />)
I just have no idea how to actually write it.
You could use the compose
function that Dan provides in redux.
import { compose } from 'redux';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
export default compose(
)(props => <div />);
gets applied from right to left.
Official documentation on compose
As a matter of interest this is essentially the alternative approach to using the decorator syntax you are using with classes. You could use the same approach with classes.
And a bit of advice/tip.
React leans heavily on functional concepts. It helped me immensely by getting myself comfortable with some of these. I highly recommend the following free online book. You need not go all the way down into the world of Monads, I would say at least the first 6 chapters will do you a massive solid going forward.