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How to take a json string like this below to transform to dictionary?

I got a json like this:

   "_j_msgid" = 2404589949;
    aps =     {
        alert = "E\U519c\U901a";
        badge = 26;
        sound = "happy.caf";
   data = "{title=\U901a\U77e5\U516c\U544a, pushId=15, pushType=NOTICECOL}";  // this line is my want.

But, I use my method to take the json string to dictionary:

+ (NSDictionary *)dictionaryWithJsonString:(NSString *)jsonString {
    if (jsonString == nil) {
        return nil;

NSData *jsonData = [jsonString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSError *err;
NSDictionary *dic = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:jsonData
if(err) {
    NSLog(@"json fail:%@",err);
    return nil;
return dic;

I failed, get a nil dictionary.

So, I convert the data's = to :,then use + (NSDictionary *)dictionaryWithJsonString:(NSString *)jsonString to transform the converted json string to dictionary, and I failed again.

Is there some useful method to transform this type json string to dictionary?


  • I tried the solution and I got it.

    Your json is above.That is the json response.Whatever when you convert JSON to string it should be

    NSString *strJson = @"{\"_j_msgid\":\"2404589949\",\"aps\" : {\"alert\" :\"EU519cU901a\",\"badge\":\"26\",\"sound\":\"happy.caf\"},\"data\":{\"title\" :\"U901aU77e5U516cU544a\",\"pushId\":\"15\",\"pushType\":\"NOTICECOL\"}}";

    When you convert into string you should add


    If it is dictionary


    If dictioanry is inside the array


    Then the coding

    NSError *jsonError;
    NSString *strJson = @"{\"_j_msgid\":\"2404589949\",\"aps\" : {\"alert\" :\"EU519cU901a\",\"badge\":\"26\",\"sound\":\"happy.caf\"},\"data\":{\"title\" :\"U901aU77e5U516cU544a\",\"pushId\":\"15\",\"pushType\":\"NOTICECOL\"}}";
    NSData *objectData = [strJson dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
    NSDictionary *json = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:objectData
    NSLog(@"json is - %@",json);

    The printed results are

    json is - {
     "_j_msgid" = 2404589949;
     aps =     {
        alert = EU519cU901a;
        badge = 26;
        sound = "happy.caf";
     data =     {
        pushId = 15;
        pushType = NOTICECOL;
        title = U901aU77e5U516cU544a;