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Laravel 5.2 subquery - filter rows by polymorphic pivot table last row

I've been stuck on this for a few days now and wondering if anyone can help.

DB tables: 'pages', 'statuses', 'status_assignments'

Page model:

protected $appends = ['status'];

public function statuses()
    return $this->morphToMany('App\Models\Status', 'statusable', 'status_assignments')->withPivot('id', 'assigned_by_user_id', 'locked')->withTimestamps();

public function getStatusAttribute()
    return $this->statuses()->orderBy('pivot_id', 'DESC')->first();

public function scopeWithStatus($query, $statuses)

    if(is_array($statuses) && count($statuses) > 0)
        $query->whereHas('statuses', function($q) use($statuses)
            $cs = $q->orderBy('pivot_id', 'DESC')->first();
            foreach($statuses as $status) $q->where('id', $status)->where('pivot_id', $cs->pivot->id);

    return $query;

Status Model:

public function pages()
    return $this->morphedByMany('App\Models\Page', 'categorizable', 'category_assignments')->withTimestamps();

What I'm trying to do is retrieve a list of pages where the latest status assigned has id of ['array_of_status_ids'] ('$statuses' in scopeWithStatus)

$pages = Page::withStatus([1,2,3,4])->get();

Any ideas on this would be gratefully received! Thanks in advance, Kris.


  • First up, pages() relation looks like its using the wrong pivot table details.

    'categorizable', 'category_assignments'

    Should those be 'statusable', 'status_assignments'.

    Sometimes I find it simpler to throw some raw SQL in the mix rather than write a complicated Query Builder statement.

    Using a sub query to check the latest status entry for each page is contained in $statuses:

    public function scopeWithStatuses($query, $statuses = [])
        $subQuery = '(select status_id from status_assignments'
            . ' where status_assignments.statusable_id ='
            . ' and status_assignments.statusable_type = "App\\\Test\\\Page"'
            . ' order by desc limit 1)';
        $query->whereIn(\DB::raw($subQuery), (array) $statuses);