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File move to another folder laravel

I need the last 7 days' storage logs to move a new folder. But, I can't move them and got this error.

rename(/var/www/html/eMarketing/storage/logs/old-log-2020-02-27,/var/www/html/eMarketing/storage/logs/laravel-2020-02-27.log): Not a directory

My Code is here

public function logs() 
  $today = \Carbon\Carbon::today()->format('Y-m-d');
  $days  = \Carbon\Carbon::today()->subDays(7)->format('Y-m-d');

  $newDirectoryPath = storage_path('logs/old-log-'.$days);
  if (!\File::isDirectory($newDirectoryPath)) {

  $path = storage_path('logs/');
  $allFiles = \File::allFiles($path);

  foreach($allFiles as $files) {
      $file = pathinfo($files);
      $logDay = str_replace('laravel-','', $file['filename']);  

      if ($logDay >= $days && $logDay < $today) {
          \File::move($newDirectoryPath, $path.$file['basename']);



  • Problem

    The problem is, you don't have files to move.

    $newDirectoryPath = storage_path('logs/old-log-' . $days);
    if (!\File::isDirectory($newDirectoryPath)) {

    The move() method may be used to rename or move an existing file to a new location. But $newDirectoryPath is a folder not a file.


    You need to change :

        $path . $file['basename'],                  // old file
        $newDirectoryPath . '/' . $file['basename'] // new file
    public function logs()
        $today = \Carbon\Carbon::today()->format('Y-m-d');
        $days  = \Carbon\Carbon::today()->subDays(7)->format('Y-m-d');
        $newDirectoryPath = storage_path('logs/old-log-' . $days);
        if (!\File::isDirectory($newDirectoryPath)) {
        $path     = storage_path('logs/');
        $allFiles = \File::allFiles($path);
        foreach ($allFiles as $files) {
            $file   = pathinfo($files);
            $logDay = str_replace('laravel-', '', $file['filename']);
            if ($logDay >= $days && $logDay < $today) {
                \File::move($path . $file['basename'], $newDirectoryPath . '/' . $file['basename']);