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I don't know why occurred this? "java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException"

I made program having a function to send the message to FCM server using Netty.

and I finished the tested in Windows 7.

it works well.

but solaris does not run this.

I got a exception code in solaris.

[ClientHandler.exceptionCaught] Unexpected exception from

this exception error is occurred after


and then run to


so, I did try write message to FCM Server after Immediately "[ClientHandler.channelOpen]".

message sent from FCM Server.

and got a another exception error .


that is knows that an error occurs in the above problem.

I don't know why occurred "UnresolvedAddressException".

I think that this problem occurs because the Solaris firewall.

how to handle this issue?

Add to.. Ping test results

ping is alive

Note - this IP is gained by using the

String ip = "";
int port = 5236;
new InetSocketAddress (ip, port) .getAddress () getHostAddress () 

in java.


  • I'll improve on this answer as we move along.

    You seem to have a misconfigured Solaris system. Misconfigured in terms of host name lookup.

    1. Let us know your version of Solaris. Do cat /etc/release and post the output.

    2. On Solaris there's a beast called Solaris Name Service daemon which caches name information. Other OS'es have a similar concept. All relevant system calls in Solaris asks this daemon for name information, however the nslookup tool bypasses this and asks directly from a DNS server. This is why you can have a successful nslookup, while name lookup in general do not work. Bottom line: nslookup is sometimes not the test you want to do. Use getent command instead, as in getent hosts

    3. Andrew Henley's comment is spot on. You should execute the telnet test. It gives valuable information. This is a well-known method for testing connectivity and it should be part of any IT person's toolbox whether you are a developer or a sysadmin, IMHO. (Windows people normally do not know about the 'telnet test' mainly because Microsoft has decided that the telnet client should no longer be installed by default on Windows)