This week I discovered the glory of CSS3 variables! Love them!
:root {
--main-height: 45px;
--main-gutter: -8px;
--match-width: 180px;
--player-width: 370px;
--score-width: 60px;
My question... is there a way I can get/set these variables in JavaScript?
There's a working demo here CODEPEN and the Snippet below. Details are commented in the source.
The key parts are:
setProperty and template literals
// Collect the inputs
const adjGrp = []'#adjustments input'));
// Add an eventListener to each input for the change event
adjGrp.forEach(input => input.addEventListener('change', adjCSS));
// Event handler uses setProperty method and template literal of the CSS variable
// Input name attributes are referenced to the corresponding CSS variable
function adjCSS(e) {`--${}`, this.value + 'px');
:root {
--mainh: 45px;
--mainw: 480px;
--match: 180px;
--player: 370px;
--score: 60px;
#main {
font: 500 16px/1.5 Consolas;
height: var(--mainh);
width: var(--mainw);
#scoreboard {
display: table;
width: calc(var(--player) + 150px);
height: calc((var(--main) * .2));
margin: 15px 0 15px 20px;
legend {
font-size: 1.6rem;
font-variant: small-caps;
output {
display: table-cell;
line-height: 1.5;
border: 3px inset grey;
padding: 3px 5px;
#match {
width: var(--match);
#player {
width: var(--player);
#score {
width: var(--score);
#adjustments {
margin: 0 0 0 20px;
<form id='main'>
<fieldset id='scoreboard'>
<input id='m' type='hidden'>
<input id='p' type='hidden'>
<input id='s' type='hidden'>
<output id='player' for='p'>Name</output>
<output id='match' for='m'>0</output>
<output id='score' for='s'>0</output>
<fieldset id='adjustments'>
<input name='player' type='number'>
<input name='match' type='number'>
<input name='score' type='number'>