I'm trying add a css
class to an element after clicking on it.
But I couldn't do it.
My target of this action is that, in my first level of menu when I click to an element, it be show with another color.
For example visit this link.
May this problem occurred because of refreshing the page after clicking! I'm not sure.
How can I do it?
(I've used ASP.NET and Umbraco CMS)
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function (evt) {
$("[class*='firstLevelOfMenu'] ").click(function (event) {
event.stopPropagation(); // stops click event from bubbling up from child
$(this).addClass('current-menu-item page_item page-item-203 current_page_item');
@helper Navigation(int parentId, int depthNavigation = 3)
IPublishedContent parent = Node.ContentCache.GetById(parentId);
if (parent.Level <= (depthNavigation - 1) && parent.GetPropertyValue("UmbracoNaviHide").Equals(false) && parent.Children().Count() > 0)
if (parent.Level > 1)
<ul style="visibility: hidden; display: none;" class="sub-menu">
@foreach (IPublishedContent child in parent.Children())
if (child.Level <= depthNavigation && child.GetPropertyValue("UmbracoNaviHide").Equals(false))
<li class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item- object-page">
<a href="@child.Url">@child.Name</a>
@Navigation(child.Id, depthNavigation)
foreach (IPublishedContent child in parent.Children())
if (child.Level <= depthNavigation && child.GetPropertyValue("UmbracoNaviHide").Equals(false))
<li id="menu-item-@child.Id" class="firstLevelOfMenu
<a href="@child.Url">@child.Name</a>
@Navigation(child.Id, depthNavigation)
foreach (IPublishedContent child in parent.Children())
if (child.Level <= depthNavigation && child.GetPropertyValue("UmbracoNaviHide").Equals(false))
<a href="@child.Url">@child.Name</a>
@Navigation(child.Id, depthNavigation)
DOM changes are not persistent. Happens exactly what you say: this problem occurred because of refreshing the page after clicking
To have this behaviour you have to make the changes on page load instead of making the changes on clicking a link, because those changes will be lost when a new page is loaded.
You have to read the URL, "discover" what link has to be changed and do the proper actions.
For example, lets say you have 3 links on http://exampledomain.com
, pointing each one this way:
Then, you should have this script:
$( document ).ready(function() {
/* This will get the path part of the
* URL (The string after the domain) and
* split it into an array .*/
var path = window.location.pathname.split("/");
/* The we will remove the starting / if there's any */
if (path.length > 1) {
path.splice(0, 1);
/* We check if there's actually a path */
if (path.length > 0) {
/* And then, we check for the different links */
switch(path[0]) {
case "about-us":
case "buy-something":
case "find-my":