I'm currently using rewrite-config-prettyfaces 3.4.0.Final with Mojarra 2.2.13 on JRE 8 in WildFly 10. With that setup (some details are below) everything works fine. Now I would like to drop the pretty-config.xml file and switch to the rule based RewriteConfiguration. Once I've created this and mapped my pretty-config url-mapping into rules, my application seems to work fine. However, I noticed that my h:commandLink action never gets invoked anymore. When I switch back to pretty-config.xml it works fine, switch back.. urgs. Do you have any clue why this is not working with the RewriteConfiguration?
My classpath contains the following rewrite jars:
Below you can find some snippets of my code.
Thanks a lot!
My pretty-config has this configuration
<pretty-config xmlns="http://ocpsoft.org/schema/rewrite-config-prettyfaces"
<url-mapping id="start">
<pattern value="/#{lang}"/>
<view-id value="/dashboard.jsf"/>
<url-mapping id="download">
<pattern value="/#{lang}/downloadReport.html"/>
<view-id value="/downloadReport.jsf"/>
<url-mapping id="catalog">
<pattern value="/#{lang}/catalogue/#{catalogName}"/>
<view-id value="/catalogDashboard.jsf"/>
<url-mapping id="violations">
<pattern value="/#{lang}/catalogue/#{catalogName}/violations"/>
<view-id value="/violations.jsf"/>
<url-mapping id="distributions">
<pattern value="/#{lang}/catalogue/#{catalogName}/distributions"/>
<view-id value="/distributions.jsf"/>
My RewriteConfiguration file
public class ApplicationNavigationConfigurationProvider extends HttpConfigurationProvider {
public Configuration getConfiguration(ServletContext servletContext) {
return ConfigurationBuilder.begin()
public int priority() {
return 0;
My simplified dummy.xhtml file looks like this:
Note: The relevant section with the commandLink is actually part of catalogDashboard.jsf. Please consider the missing dummy rewrite rule as present.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:h="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/html"
<h:outputText value="#{harvesterBean.currentRepository.name}"/>
<h:commandLink action="#{harvesterBean.updateAttachment(1)}" value="Test action invocation">
<f:param name="catalogName" value="#{request.getParameter('catalogName')}"/>
My bean with the method to invoke via commandLink action
public class HarvesterBean implements Serializable { // updated: implements Serializable
private HarvesterClientActionImpl harvesterClientAction;
private CurrentCatalogBean currentCatalogBean;
private Repository currentRepository;
private Harvester currentHarvester;
private Run currentRun;
private List<RunLog> logs;
private String selectedAttachment;
public void init() {
currentRepository = harvesterClientAction.retrieveRepository(currentCatalogBean.getCurrentCatalog().getTitle());
currentHarvester = harvesterClientAction.retrieveHarvester(currentRepository.getSourceHarvester());
currentRun = harvesterClientAction.retrieveLastRun(currentHarvester.getId());
logs = harvesterClientAction.retrieveRunLogs(currentHarvester.getId(), currentRun.getId());
// This method is not invoked when using the RewriteConfiguration instead of pretty-config.xml
public void updateAttachment(long logId) {
selectedAttachment = harvesterClientAction.retrieveAttachment(currentHarvester.getId(), currentRun.getId(), logId);
// getter and setter
Please make sure you include Rewrite JSF integration module in your dependencies:
The rewrite-config-prettyfaces
depends on this module since 3.4.0.Final. So if you drop the PrettyFaces integration, you will also loose the core JSF integration module which could lead to something like this.