Currently I'm programming a Twitch-Bot with pIRC on Java.
I want to sort out commands like e.g !<command> [<tagged-user>]
For now I use that code:
private boolean checkForCommand(String message) {
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^(!)\\w+");
Matcher m = pattern.matcher(message);
return m.find();
public void onMessage(String channel, String sender, String login,String hostname, String message){
String user = sender;
String[] arguments;
if(message.split("\\s+").length > 1){
arguments = message.split("\\s+");
}else {
arguments = new String[1];
arguments[0] = message;
String command = arguments[0].substring(1, arguments[0].length());
if(arguments.length > 1){
user = arguments[1];
respondForCommand(command,user); // User gets respond for his command.
I get for example !info testuser
testuser [here is the command response]
I want to improve the code by only regex-ing the hole process.
Basically I want a regex what reads out the command-name and if there is someone tagged it should also read the tagged username.
Kinda like Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("!COMMANDNAME [TAGGEDUSER]");
Thank you for helping me, I struggelt alot with regex lately, but I want to understand it. Online regexing wont help me much.
Use capturing groups. Your current regex puts the '!' in a capturing group for some reason, but it doesn't use it. Instead, put the parentheses around the important parts of the pattern that you want to capture.
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^!(\\w+)(?:\\s+(\\S+))?");
What we have here is:
So basically, we have two capturing groups, but one of them will not be matched if there is no argument.
Now if you call matcher.find()
, you can use
to access the captured groups. group(2)
may return null as it won't be matched if there is no argument.
Demonstration code:
public class SimpleTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^!(\\w+)(?:\\s+(\\S+))?");
Matcher matcher;
String[] testStrings = { "!command john", "!command john something", "!commandWithoutArguments",
"!commandNoArgsButSpaces ", "Not A command." };
for (String testString : testStrings) {
System.out.print("String <<" + testString + ">> ");
matcher = pattern.matcher(testString);
if (matcher.find()) {
String command =;
String user =;
if (user == null) {
user = "default";
System.out.println("is a command: " + command + " user: " + user + ".");
} else {
System.out.println("is not a command.");
String <<!command john>> is a command: command user: john.
String <<!command john something>> is a command: command user: john.
String <<!commandWithoutArguments>> is a command: commandWithoutArguments user: default.
String <<!commandNoArgsButSpaces >> is a command: commandNoArgsButSpaces user: default.
String <<Not A command.>> is not a command.