I'm working with Marathon/Mesosphere and have enabled health checks for my app which is working fine, Marathon shows health check as Green for my app. Now that health check works, I want to use this feature further to deploy new container of my app if health check fails (say for every 10 consecutive failed health checks deploy a new container).
How can I do that?
I don't think you even need marathon-autoscale to do this. This should work outside the box - you may configure a healthcheck that will kill a running Marathon task after 10 consecutive healthcheck failures and start a new one.
Something simple would look like that:
"healthChecks": [
"protocol": "HTTP",
"path": "/health",
"gracePeriodSeconds": 120,
"intervalSeconds": 60,
"portIndex": 0,
"timeoutSeconds": 30,
"maxConsecutiveFailures": 10