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ScrollMagic. Adding multiple classes to an element

If I follow the scrollMagic instructions:

// add multiple classes to multiple elements defined by the selector '.classChange'
scene.setClassToggle(".classChange", "class1 class2 class3");


I got this error in the console:

InvalidCharacterError: String contains an invalid character

Because spaces between classes.

My entire scene code is:

              var ourScene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({
                triggerElement: '.banner',
                triggerHook: 0,
                offset: 20
              .setClassToggle('.banner', 'big small')

Removing space between "big small", it works, in other words, It works just with one class, not multiple classes.

How can I work with multiple classes?


  • While searching on web, I found that there is an open issue with scrollmagic which causes you a problem

    setClassToggle only supports single classes #313

    To get around this you can use Greenstock .set tween method to add multiple classes.

    Below is a codepen link that i found online addressing the above usage.

    var setMultipleClasses = TweenMax.set($('p'), {
        className: "red bold"
    // Create a ScrollMagic Scene
    new ScrollMagic.Scene({
      triggerElement: "p"