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PCA function with axes crossing 0

I want to plot a PCA and center my graph on my points and have a free set of axes that can plot the vectors. I found a solution to align 2 sets of axes, but I need to set the asp = 1 so that the graph represents equal distances in all directions.

If you copy paste the code below, it's on line 293. I want this asp = 1. But when I add it to my code, the 0-0 line is not aligned... especially when I resize it (see image):

enter image description here

How can I fix this?

s1= rnorm(50,mean = 12)
s2= rnorm(50, mean = 17)
s3= rnorm(50, mean = 100)
pca.scoop=scores(pca, scaling = 2)

# Custom PCA plot ---------------------------------------------------------
my_custom_pca <- function(pca = pca, 
                       scaling = 2,
                       choices = c(1,2),
                       square.size = 1,
                       threshold = 0, 
                       main = 'PCA',
                       pch = 4,
                       col.arrow = "grey",
                       col.label = "red",
                       size.label = .7,
                       col.sites = "black",
                       shape.points = c(17,16,15,19),
                       size.points = 0.5,
                       size.sites = .7,
                       label.the.arrows = TRUE,
                       vector.names = NULL,
                       label.the.points = FALSE,
                       position.text.arrow =1,
                       centered = FALSE,
                       # arrow.centered = FALSE,
              = 1,
              = 1,
                       automatic.col = TRUE,
                       colour.vector = c("#FF3030","#9ACD31","#1D90FF","#FF8001"),
                       ordiellipse = FALSE,
                       rev.x = FALSE, # not done yet
                       rev.y = FALSE, # not done yet
                       transparent.back = FALSE,
                       arrows.different.axis = FALSE,
                       length.arrow = 1, 
              = FALSE,
                       label.figure = NULL,
                       png = NULL,
                       png.w = 9,
                       png.h = 9,
                       res.dpi = 300,
                       pdf = NULL) { 
  if (!is.null(png)) {
    png(file = png, 
        width = png.w, height = png.h, res = res.dpi, units = "in")
  if (!is.null(pdf)) {
    pdf(file = pdf, 
        width = 8.5, height = 11)

  summ.pca = summary(pca, scaling = scaling) 
  pca.scores1 = scores(pca, scaling = scaling, choices = choices)
  prop.exp = round(summ.pca$cont$importance["Proportion Explained",] *100, 2) = c(paste("PC1 ", "(", prop.exp[1], "%", ")", sep = ""),
                    paste("PC2 ", "(", prop.exp[2], "%", ")", sep = ""),
                    paste("PC3 ", "(", prop.exp[3], "%", ")", sep = ""))[choices]
  zoom = zoom
  threshold = threshold # this threshold is to put in the graph only the plants that are far away from the center 
  # (easier to see on the graph), so the one that contributs the most to the variation 

  "pcacircle" <- function (pca) 
    # Draws a circle of equilibrium contribution on a PCA plot 
    # generated from a vegan analysis.
    # vegan uses special constants for its outputs, hence 
    # the 'const' value below.

    eigenv <- pca$CA$eig
    p <- length(eigenv)
    n <- nrow(pca$CA$u)
    tot <- sum(eigenv)
    const <- ((n - 1) * tot)^0.25
    radius <- (2/p)^0.5
    radius <- radius * const
    symbols(0, 0, circles=radius, inches=FALSE, add=TRUE, fg=2)

  line2user <- function(line, side) {
    lh <- par('cin')[2] * par('cex') * par('lheight') *.5
    x_off <- diff(grconvertX(c(0, lh), 'inches', 'npc'))
    y_off <- diff(grconvertY(c(0, lh), 'inches', 'npc'))
           `1` = grconvertY(-line * y_off, 'npc', 'user'),
           `2` = grconvertX(-line * x_off, 'npc', 'user'),
           `3` = grconvertY(1 + line * y_off, 'npc', 'user'),
           `4` = grconvertX(1 + line * x_off, 'npc', 'user'),
           stop("Side must be 1, 2, 3, or 4", call.=FALSE))

  addfiglab <- function(lab, xl = par()$mar[2], yl = par()$mar[3]) {

    text(x = line2user(xl, 2), y = line2user(yl, 3), 
         lab, xpd = NA, font = 2, cex = 1.5, adj = c(0, 1))


  # costum alignment of the axes
  new_lim <- function(a, type = 1) {
    newdata_ratio <-  NULL
    i <- type * 2 - 1
    old_lim <- par("usr")[i:(i+1)] + c(diff(par("usr")[i:(i+1)]) * 0.04 / 1.08, 
                                       diff(par("usr")[i:(i+1)]) * -0.04 / 1.08)
    old_ratio <- old_lim[1] / old_lim[2]
    newdata_ratio <- if (max(a) <= 0) -1.0e+6 else min(a) / max(a)
    if (old_ratio >= newdata_ratio ) {
      new_min <- min(a)
      new_max <- min(a) / old_ratio
    } else {
      new_min <- max(a) * old_ratio
      new_max <- max(a)
    c(new_min, new_max)

  # Draw the PCA with plot.cca
  myccaplot <- function (x, choices = c(1, 2), display = c("sp", "wa", "cn"), 
                         scaling = "species", type, xlim, ylim, const, correlation = FALSE, 
                         hill = FALSE, ...) {
    TYPES <- c("text", "points", "none")
    g <- scores(x, choices, display, scaling, const, correlation = correlation, 
                hill = hill)
    if (length(g) == 0 || all( 
      stop("nothing to plot: requested scores do not exist")
    if (!is.list(g)) 
      g <- list(default = g)
    for (i in seq_along(g)) {
      if (length(dim(g[[i]])) > 1) 
        rownames(g[[i]]) <- rownames(g[[i]], do.NULL = FALSE, 
                                     prefix = substr(names(g)[i], 1, 3))
    if (!is.null(g$centroids)) {
      if (is.null(g$biplot)) 
        g$biplot <- scores(x, choices, "bp", scaling)
      if (!$centroids)[1]) {
        bipnam <- rownames(g$biplot)
        cntnam <- rownames(g$centroids)
        g$biplot <- g$biplot[!(bipnam %in% cntnam), , drop = FALSE]
        if (nrow(g$biplot) == 0) 
          g$biplot <- NULL
    if (missing(type)) {
      nitlimit <- 80
      nit <- max(nrow(g$spe), nrow(g$sit), nrow(g$con), nrow(g$def))
      if (nit > nitlimit) 
        type <- "points"
      else type <- "text"
    else type <- match.arg(type, TYPES)
    if (length(choices) == 1) {
      if (length(g) == 1) 
        pl <- linestack(g[[1]], ...)
      else {
        hasSpec <- names(g)[1] == "species"
        ylim <- range(c(g[[1]], g[[2]]), na.rm = TRUE)
        pl <- linestack(g[[1]], ylim = ylim, side = ifelse(hasSpec, 
                                                           "left", "right"), ...)
        linestack(g[[2]], ylim = ylim, side = ifelse(hasSpec, 
                                                     "right", "left"), add = TRUE, ...)
    if (missing(xlim)) {
      xlim <- range(g$species[, 1], g$sites[, 1], g$constraints[, 
                                                                1], g$biplot[, 1], if (length(g$centroids) > 0 && 
                                                                             $centroids)) NA else g$centroids[, 1], g$default[, 
                                                                                                                                               1], na.rm = TRUE)
    if (!any(is.finite(xlim))) 
      stop("no finite scores to plot")
    if (missing(ylim)) {
      ylim <- range(g$species[, 2], g$sites[, 2], g$constraints[, 
                                                                2], g$biplot[, 2], if (length(g$centroids) > 0 && 
                                                                             $centroids)) NA else g$centroids[, 2], g$default[, 
                                                                                                                                               2], na.rm = TRUE)
    if(rev.x) {
    if(rev.y) {
    plot(g[[1]], xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, type = "n", 
         asp = 1, # I had to remove this so that new_lim work.
    # abline(h = 0, lty = 3) # removed
    # abline(v = 0, lty = 3) # removed
    if (!is.null(g$species)) {
      if (type == "text") 
        text(g$species, rownames(g$species), col = "red", 
             cex = 0.7)
      else if (type == "points") 
        points(g$species, pch = "+", col = "red", cex = 0.7)
    if (!is.null(g$sites)) {
      if (type == "text") 
        text(g$sites, rownames(g$sites), cex = 0.7)
      else if (type == "points") 
        points(g$sites, pch = 1, cex = 0.7)
    if (!is.null(g$constraints)) {
      if (type == "text") 
        text(g$constraints, rownames(g$constraints), cex = 0.7, 
             col = "darkgreen")
      else if (type == "points") 
        points(g$constraints, pch = 2, cex = 0.7, col = "darkgreen")
    if (!is.null(g$biplot) && nrow(g$biplot) > 0 && type != "none") {
      if (length(display) > 1) {
        mul <- ordiArrowMul(g$biplot)
      else mul <- 1
      attr(g$biplot, "arrow.mul") <- mul
      arrows(0, 0, mul * g$biplot[, 1], mul * g$biplot[, 2], 
             length = 0.05, col = "blue")
      biplabs <- ordiArrowTextXY(mul * g$biplot, rownames(g$biplot))
      text(biplabs, rownames(g$biplot), col = "blue")
      axis(3, at = c(-mul, 0, mul), labels = rep("", 3), col = "blue")
      axis(4, at = c(-mul, 0, mul), labels = c(-1, 0, 1), col = "blue")
    if (!is.null(g$centroids) && !$centroids) && type != 
        "none") {
      if (type == "text") 
        text(g$centroids, rownames(g$centroids), col = "blue")
      else if (type == "points") 
        points(g$centroids, pch = "x", col = "blue")
    if (!is.null(g$default) && type != "none") {
      if (type == "text") 
        text(g$default, rownames(g$default), cex = 0.7)
      else if (type == "points") 
        points(g$default, pch = 1, cex = 0.7)
    class(g) <- "ordiplot"

  align <- function(x) {

  if (transparent.back) {

  if (centered) {
    par(mar = c(6,6,6,6))
    x0 = c(min(pca.scores1$sites[,1])*zoom,max(pca.scores1$sites[,1])*zoom)
    y0 = c(min(pca.scores1$sites[,2])*zoom,max(pca.scores1$sites[,2])*zoom)
              type = c("n"),
              main = main,
              scaling = scaling,
              choices = choices,
              bty = "o",
              xlab =[1], ylab =[2],
              xlim = x0, # pmx,
              ylim = y0, # pmy,
              axes = FALSE)
    axis(1)  ### (2)
    axis(2)  ### (2)
    box()    ### (2)

           col=colour.vector[(as.numeric(], # c("grey","blue") # palette()
           pch=shape.points[(as.numeric(], # red = AB, green = EG, light blue = magnirostris, purple = scandens
           cex = size.points)
    if (label.the.points) {
      text(x = summ.pca$sites[,1],
           y = summ.pca$sites[,2],
           labels = row.names(summ.pca$sites[,]), 
           cex = size.sites, 
           col = col.sites, 
           pos = 1)    
    if (ordiellipse) {
    x1 = c(min(pca.scores1$species[,1]),max(pca.scores1$species[,1]))
    y1 = c(min(pca.scores1$species[,2]),max(pca.scores1$species[,2]))
    plot(x = x1,
         y = y1,
         xlim = new_lim(x1),
         ylim = new_lim(y1, 2), # w: 461, h 661 pixels works...
         asp = 1, #Not working with new_lim
         xlab =[1],
         ylab =[2],
         type = "n",
         main= "",
         axes = F, ann = F,
         bty = "n")
    axis(3, col="red",col.axis="red",
         cex.axis = 1)
    axis(4, col="red",col.axis="red",
         cex.axis = 1)
    if ( == TRUE & scaling == 1){

    abline(h=0,v=0, lty = 3)

    if (rev.x) {
      pca.scores1$species[,1] = -1*(pca.scores1$species[,1]*length.arrow)
    if (rev.y) {
      pca.scores1$species[,2] = -1*(pca.scores1$species[,2]*length.arrow)
           length = .1, 
           code = 2, 
           col = col.arrow)

  } else {
         choices = choices,
         type = c("n"),
         xlab =[1],
         ylab =[2],
         main= main,
         scaling = scaling,
           col=colour.vector[(as.numeric(], # c("grey","blue") # palette()
           pch=shape.points[(as.numeric(], # red = AB, green = EG, light blue = magnirostris, purple = scandens
           cex = size.points)
    if (rev.x) {
      summ.pca$species[,1] = rev(summ.pca$species[,1])
    if (rev.y) {
      summ.pca$species[,1] = rev(summ.pca$species[,1])
           length = .1, 
           code = 2, 
           col = col.arrow)
    if ( == TRUE & scaling == 1){
    if (ordiellipse) {

  if (rev.x) {
    summ.pca$species[,1] = -1*(summ.pca$species[,1])
  if (rev.y) {
    summ.pca$species[,2] = -1*(summ.pca$species[,2])
  if (!(length(small))) {
    if (label.the.arrows) {
      text(x = summ.pca$species[,choices[1]],
           y = summ.pca$species[,choices[2]],
           labels = row.names(summ.pca$species[,]), 
           cex = size.label, 
           col = col.label)
    } else {
      text(x = summ.pca$species[,choices[1]],
           y = summ.pca$species[,choices[2]],
           labels = vector.names, 
           pos = position.text.arrow,
           cex = size.label, 
           col = col.label)
  } else {
    if (label.the.arrows) {
      text(x = summ.pca$species[-small,choices[1]],
           y = summ.pca$species[-small,choices[2]],
           labels = row.names(summ.pca$species[-small,]), 
           cex = size.label, 
           col = col.label)
    } else {
      text(x = summ.pca$species[,choices[1]],
           y = summ.pca$species[,choices[2]],
           labels = vector.names, 
           pos = position.text.arrow,
           cex = size.label, 
           col = col.label)

  if (rev.x) {
    summ.pca$sites[,1] = -1*(summ.pca$sites[,1])
  if (rev.y) {
    summ.pca$sites[,2] = -1*(summ.pca$sites[,2])
  if (label.the.points & !centered) {
    text(x = summ.pca$sites[,1],
         y = summ.pca$sites[,2],
         labels = row.names(summ.pca$sites[,]), 
         cex = size.sites, 
         col = col.sites, 
         pos = 1)  
  if (square) {
    abline(h = c(-square.size,square.size), 
           v = c(-square.size,square.size), 
           lty = 3)

  if (!is.null(png)|!is.null(pdf)) {

  if (!(!length(label.figure))) {

my_custom_pca(pca, centered = TRUE)


  • I made new_xylim() that partly solves your problem. This function calculates second graph's xlim() and ylim() to align 2 sets of axes and set the same scale of 2nd x and y. Please use it instead of new_lim().
    When you use asp=1 at both first and second graph and resize an output, I think there are four patterns (dependence on data): (1) change of axis(1) and axis(3), (2) axis(2) and axis(4), (3) axis(1) but not axis(3), or the reverse, (4) axis(2) but not axis(4), or the reverse. When (3) or (4), it is difficult to realize what you want, so please change device size before output instead of resizing.

    only new_xylim();

    new_xylim <- function(x2, y2) {
      # new_lim2() calculates xlim or ylim in view of only alignment.
      new_lim2 <- function(a, type = 1, ratio = FALSE) {
        new_ratio <-  NULL            # type=1 is for xlim, 2 is for ylim.
        i <- type * 2 - 1
        old_lim <- par("usr")[i:(i+1)] + c(diff(par("usr")[i:(i+1)]) * 0.04 / 1.08, 
                                           diff(par("usr")[i:(i+1)]) * -0.04 / 1.08)
        old_ratio <- diff(old_lim) / (-1 * old_lim[1])
        new_ratio <- if (min(a) >= 0) 1.0e+6 else diff(range(a)) / (-1 * min(a))
        if (old_ratio >= new_ratio) {
          new_min <- min(a)
          new_max <- abs(min(a)) * (old_ratio - 1)
        } else {
          new_min <- abs(max(a)) / (old_ratio - 1) * -1
          new_max <- max(a)
        if (ratio) return(old_ratio) else return(c(new_min, new_max))
      temp_x <- new_lim2(x2, type=1)  # calculation of needing range
      temp_y <- new_lim2(y2, type=2)
      if (par("pin")[1] / diff(temp_x) >= par("pin")[2] / diff(temp_y)) {
        # logical judgment of which range is expanded under the same scale
        new_ylim <- temp_y                     # the one range isn't expanded.
        new_xdiff <- par("pin")[1] * diff(new_ylim) / par("pin")[2]  # calculation of the another expanded range
        old_xratio <- new_lim2(x2, type = 1, ratio = TRUE)           # information about zero position
        new_xlim <- c(-1 * new_xdiff / old_xratio, new_xdiff - new_xdiff / old_xratio) # calculation of _lim by the zero position and the expanded range
      } else {
        new_xlim <- temp_x
        new_ydiff <- par("pin")[2] * diff(new_xlim) / par("pin")[1]
        old_yratio <- new_lim2(y2, type=2, ratio = TRUE)
        new_ylim <- c(-1 * new_ydiff / old_yratio, new_ydiff - new_ydiff / old_yratio)
      return(list(new_xlim, new_ylim))

    an example of new_xylim();

    x2 <- -1:3
    y2 <- seq(-100, 30, length=5)
    plot(-5:5, -1:9, ann=F, asp=1)
    plot(x2, y2, xlim=new_xylim(x2, y2)[[1]], ylim=new_xylim(x2, y2)[[2]], ann=F, axes=F, asp=1)
    axis(3); axis(4); abline(h=0); abline(v=0) # if you don't resize, second graph's asp=1 is unnecessary.

    enter image description here

    modified your function() (I also added argument small = NULL to suppress error);

    # Custom PCA plot ---------------------------------------------------------
    my_custom_pca2 <- function(pca = pca, 
                               scaling = 2,
                               choices = c(1,2),
                               square.size = 1,
                               threshold = 0, 
                               main = 'PCA',
                               pch = 4,
                               col.arrow = "grey",
                               col.label = "red",
                               size.label = .7,
                               col.sites = "black",
                               shape.points = c(17,16,15,19),
                               size.points = 0.5,
                               size.sites = .7,
                               label.the.arrows = TRUE,
                               vector.names = NULL,
                               label.the.points = FALSE,
                               position.text.arrow =1,
                               centered = FALSE,
                               # arrow.centered = FALSE,
                      = 1,
                      = 1,
                               automatic.col = TRUE,
                               colour.vector = c("#FF3030","#9ACD31","#1D90FF","#FF8001"),
                               ordiellipse = FALSE,
                               rev.x = FALSE, # not done yet
                               rev.y = FALSE, # not done yet
                               transparent.back = FALSE,
                               arrows.different.axis = FALSE,
                               length.arrow = 1, 
                      = FALSE,
                               label.figure = NULL,
                               png = NULL,
                               png.w = 9,
                               png.h = 9,
                               res.dpi = 300,
                               pdf = NULL,
                               small = NULL) {            ### modified
      if (!is.null(png)) {
        png(file = png, 
            width = png.w, height = png.h, res = res.dpi, units = "in")
      if (!is.null(pdf)) {
        pdf(file = pdf, 
            width = 8.5, height = 11)
      summ.pca = summary(pca, scaling = scaling) 
      pca.scores1 = scores(pca, scaling = scaling, choices = choices)
      prop.exp = round(summ.pca$cont$importance["Proportion Explained",] *100, 2) = c(paste("PC1 ", "(", prop.exp[1], "%", ")", sep = ""),
                        paste("PC2 ", "(", prop.exp[2], "%", ")", sep = ""),
                        paste("PC3 ", "(", prop.exp[3], "%", ")", sep = ""))[choices]
      zoom = zoom
      threshold = threshold # this threshold is to put in the graph only the plants that are far away from the center 
      # (easier to see on the graph), so the one that contributs the most to the variation 
      "pcacircle" <- function (pca) 
        # Draws a circle of equilibrium contribution on a PCA plot 
        # generated from a vegan analysis.
        # vegan uses special constants for its outputs, hence 
        # the 'const' value below.
        eigenv <- pca$CA$eig
        p <- length(eigenv)
        n <- nrow(pca$CA$u)
        tot <- sum(eigenv)
        const <- ((n - 1) * tot)^0.25
        radius <- (2/p)^0.5
        radius <- radius * const
        symbols(0, 0, circles=radius, inches=FALSE, add=TRUE, fg=2)
      line2user <- function(line, side) {
        lh <- par('cin')[2] * par('cex') * par('lheight') *.5
        x_off <- diff(grconvertX(c(0, lh), 'inches', 'npc'))
        y_off <- diff(grconvertY(c(0, lh), 'inches', 'npc'))
               `1` = grconvertY(-line * y_off, 'npc', 'user'),
               `2` = grconvertX(-line * x_off, 'npc', 'user'),
               `3` = grconvertY(1 + line * y_off, 'npc', 'user'),
               `4` = grconvertX(1 + line * x_off, 'npc', 'user'),
               stop("Side must be 1, 2, 3, or 4", call.=FALSE))
      addfiglab <- function(lab, xl = par()$mar[2], yl = par()$mar[3]) {
        text(x = line2user(xl, 2), y = line2user(yl, 3), 
             lab, xpd = NA, font = 2, cex = 1.5, adj = c(0, 1))
      # costum alignment of the axes
      new_xylim <- function(x2, y2) {                      ### modified
        new_lim2 <- function(a, type = 1, ratio = FALSE) {
          new_ratio <-  NULL
          i <- type * 2 - 1
          old_lim <- par("usr")[i:(i+1)] + c(diff(par("usr")[i:(i+1)]) * 0.04 / 1.08, 
                                             diff(par("usr")[i:(i+1)]) * -0.04 / 1.08)
          old_ratio <- diff(old_lim) / (-1 * old_lim[1])
          new_ratio <- if (min(a) >= 0) 1.0e+6 else diff(range(a)) / (-1 * min(a))
          if (old_ratio >= new_ratio) {
            new_min <- min(a)
            new_max <- abs(min(a)) * (old_ratio - 1)
          } else {
            new_min <- abs(max(a)) / (old_ratio - 1) * -1
            new_max <- max(a)
          if (ratio) return(old_ratio) else return(c(new_min, new_max))
        temp_x <- new_lim2(x2, type=1)
        temp_y <- new_lim2(y2, type=2)
        if (par("pin")[1] / diff(temp_x) >= par("pin")[2] / diff(temp_y)) {
          new_ylim <- temp_y
          new_xdiff <- par("pin")[1] * diff(new_ylim) / par("pin")[2]
          old_xratio <- new_lim2(x2, type = 1, ratio = TRUE)
          new_xlim <- c(-1 * new_xdiff / old_xratio, new_xdiff - new_xdiff / old_xratio)
        } else {
          new_xlim <- temp_x
          new_ydiff <- par("pin")[2] * diff(new_xlim) / par("pin")[1]
          old_yratio <- new_lim2(y2, type=2, ratio = TRUE)
          new_ylim <- c(-1 * new_ydiff / old_yratio, new_ydiff - new_ydiff / old_yratio)
        return(list(new_xlim, new_ylim))
      # Draw the PCA with plot.cca
      myccaplot <- function (x, choices = c(1, 2), display = c("sp", "wa", "cn"), 
                             scaling = "species", type, xlim, ylim, const, correlation = FALSE, 
                             hill = FALSE, ...) {
        TYPES <- c("text", "points", "none")
        g <- scores(x, choices, display, scaling, const, correlation = correlation, 
                    hill = hill)
        if (length(g) == 0 || all( 
          stop("nothing to plot: requested scores do not exist")
        if (!is.list(g)) 
          g <- list(default = g)
        for (i in seq_along(g)) {
          if (length(dim(g[[i]])) > 1) 
            rownames(g[[i]]) <- rownames(g[[i]], do.NULL = FALSE, 
                                         prefix = substr(names(g)[i], 1, 3))
        if (!is.null(g$centroids)) {
          if (is.null(g$biplot)) 
            g$biplot <- scores(x, choices, "bp", scaling)
          if (!$centroids)[1]) {
            bipnam <- rownames(g$biplot)
            cntnam <- rownames(g$centroids)
            g$biplot <- g$biplot[!(bipnam %in% cntnam), , drop = FALSE]
            if (nrow(g$biplot) == 0) 
              g$biplot <- NULL
        if (missing(type)) {
          nitlimit <- 80
          nit <- max(nrow(g$spe), nrow(g$sit), nrow(g$con), nrow(g$def))
          if (nit > nitlimit) 
            type <- "points"
          else type <- "text"
        else type <- match.arg(type, TYPES)
        if (length(choices) == 1) {
          if (length(g) == 1) 
            pl <- linestack(g[[1]], ...)
          else {
            hasSpec <- names(g)[1] == "species"
            ylim <- range(c(g[[1]], g[[2]]), na.rm = TRUE)
            pl <- linestack(g[[1]], ylim = ylim, side = ifelse(hasSpec, 
                                                               "left", "right"), ...)
            linestack(g[[2]], ylim = ylim, side = ifelse(hasSpec, 
                                                         "right", "left"), add = TRUE, ...)
        if (missing(xlim)) {
          xlim <- range(g$species[, 1], g$sites[, 1], g$constraints[, 
                                                                    1], g$biplot[, 1], if (length(g$centroids) > 0 && 
                                                                                 $centroids)) NA else g$centroids[, 1], g$default[, 
                                                                                                                                                   1], na.rm = TRUE)
        if (!any(is.finite(xlim))) 
          stop("no finite scores to plot")
        if (missing(ylim)) {
          ylim <- range(g$species[, 2], g$sites[, 2], g$constraints[, 
                                                                    2], g$biplot[, 2], if (length(g$centroids) > 0 && 
                                                                                 $centroids)) NA else g$centroids[, 2], g$default[, 
                                                                                                                                                   2], na.rm = TRUE)
        if(rev.x) {
        if(rev.y) {
        plot(g[[1]], xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, type = "n", 
             asp = 1, # I had to remove this so that new_lim work.
        # abline(h = 0, lty = 3) # removed
        # abline(v = 0, lty = 3) # removed
        if (!is.null(g$species)) {
          if (type == "text") 
            text(g$species, rownames(g$species), col = "red", 
                 cex = 0.7)
          else if (type == "points") 
            points(g$species, pch = "+", col = "red", cex = 0.7)
        if (!is.null(g$sites)) {
          if (type == "text") 
            text(g$sites, rownames(g$sites), cex = 0.7)
          else if (type == "points") 
            points(g$sites, pch = 1, cex = 0.7)
        if (!is.null(g$constraints)) {
          if (type == "text") 
            text(g$constraints, rownames(g$constraints), cex = 0.7, 
                 col = "darkgreen")
          else if (type == "points") 
            points(g$constraints, pch = 2, cex = 0.7, col = "darkgreen")
        if (!is.null(g$biplot) && nrow(g$biplot) > 0 && type != "none") {
          if (length(display) > 1) {
            mul <- ordiArrowMul(g$biplot)
          else mul <- 1
          attr(g$biplot, "arrow.mul") <- mul
          arrows(0, 0, mul * g$biplot[, 1], mul * g$biplot[, 2], 
                 length = 0.05, col = "blue")
          biplabs <- ordiArrowTextXY(mul * g$biplot, rownames(g$biplot))
          text(biplabs, rownames(g$biplot), col = "blue")
          axis(3, at = c(-mul, 0, mul), labels = rep("", 3), col = "blue")
          axis(4, at = c(-mul, 0, mul), labels = c(-1, 0, 1), col = "blue")
        if (!is.null(g$centroids) && !$centroids) && type != 
            "none") {
          if (type == "text") 
            text(g$centroids, rownames(g$centroids), col = "blue")
          else if (type == "points") 
            points(g$centroids, pch = "x", col = "blue")
        if (!is.null(g$default) && type != "none") {
          if (type == "text") 
            text(g$default, rownames(g$default), cex = 0.7)
          else if (type == "points") 
            points(g$default, pch = 1, cex = 0.7)
        class(g) <- "ordiplot"
      align <- function(x) {
      if (transparent.back) {
      if (centered) {
        par(mar = c(6,6,6,6))
        x0 = c(min(pca.scores1$sites[,1])*zoom,max(pca.scores1$sites[,1])*zoom)
        y0 = c(min(pca.scores1$sites[,2])*zoom,max(pca.scores1$sites[,2])*zoom)
                  type = c("n"),
                  main = main,
                  scaling = scaling,
                  choices = choices,
                  bty = "o",
                  xlab =[1], ylab =[2],
                  xlim = x0, # pmx,
                  ylim = y0, # pmy,
                  axes = FALSE)
        axis(1)  ### (2)
        axis(2)  ### (2)
        box()    ### (2)
               col=colour.vector[(as.numeric(], # c("grey","blue") # palette()
               pch=shape.points[(as.numeric(], # red = AB, green = EG, light blue = magnirostris, purple = scandens
               cex = size.points)
        if (label.the.points) {
          text(x = summ.pca$sites[,1],
               y = summ.pca$sites[,2],
               labels = row.names(summ.pca$sites[,]), 
               cex = size.sites, 
               col = col.sites, 
               pos = 1)    
        if (ordiellipse) {
        x1 = c(min(pca.scores1$species[,1]),max(pca.scores1$species[,1]))
        y1 = c(min(pca.scores1$species[,2]),max(pca.scores1$species[,2]))
        plot(x = x1,
             y = y1,
             xlim = new_xylim(x1, y1)[[1]],             ### modified
             ylim = new_xylim(x1, y1)[[2]],             ### modified
             asp = 1, 
             xlab =[1],
             ylab =[2],
             type = "n",
             main= "",
             axes = F, ann = F,
             bty = "n")
        axis(3, col="red",col.axis="red",
             cex.axis = 1)
        axis(4, col="red",col.axis="red",
             cex.axis = 1)
        if ( == TRUE & scaling == 1){
        abline(h=0,v=0, lty = 3)
        if (rev.x) {
          pca.scores1$species[,1] = -1*(pca.scores1$species[,1]*length.arrow)
        if (rev.y) {
          pca.scores1$species[,2] = -1*(pca.scores1$species[,2]*length.arrow)
               length = .1, 
               code = 2, 
               col = col.arrow)
      } else {
             choices = choices,
             type = c("n"),
             xlab =[1],
             ylab =[2],
             main= main,
             scaling = scaling,
               col=colour.vector[(as.numeric(], # c("grey","blue") # palette()
               pch=shape.points[(as.numeric(], # red = AB, green = EG, light blue = magnirostris, purple = scandens
               cex = size.points)
        if (rev.x) {
          summ.pca$species[,1] = rev(summ.pca$species[,1])
        if (rev.y) {
          summ.pca$species[,1] = rev(summ.pca$species[,1])
               length = .1, 
               code = 2, 
               col = col.arrow)
        if ( == TRUE & scaling == 1){
        if (ordiellipse) {
      if (rev.x) {
        summ.pca$species[,1] = -1*(summ.pca$species[,1])
      if (rev.y) {
        summ.pca$species[,2] = -1*(summ.pca$species[,2])
      if (!(length(small))) {
        if (label.the.arrows) {
          text(x = summ.pca$species[,choices[1]],
               y = summ.pca$species[,choices[2]],
               labels = row.names(summ.pca$species[,]), 
               cex = size.label, 
               col = col.label)
        } else {
          text(x = summ.pca$species[,choices[1]],
               y = summ.pca$species[,choices[2]],
               labels = vector.names, 
               pos = position.text.arrow,
               cex = size.label, 
               col = col.label)
      } else {
        if (label.the.arrows) {
          text(x = summ.pca$species[-small,choices[1]],
               y = summ.pca$species[-small,choices[2]],
               labels = row.names(summ.pca$species[-small,]), 
               cex = size.label, 
               col = col.label)
        } else {
          text(x = summ.pca$species[,choices[1]],
               y = summ.pca$species[,choices[2]],
               labels = vector.names, 
               pos = position.text.arrow,
               cex = size.label, 
               col = col.label)
      if (rev.x) {
        summ.pca$sites[,1] = -1*(summ.pca$sites[,1])
      if (rev.y) {
        summ.pca$sites[,2] = -1*(summ.pca$sites[,2])
      if (label.the.points & !centered) {
        text(x = summ.pca$sites[,1],
             y = summ.pca$sites[,2],
             labels = row.names(summ.pca$sites[,]), 
             cex = size.sites, 
             col = col.sites, 
             pos = 1)  
      if (square) {
        abline(h = c(-square.size,square.size), 
               v = c(-square.size,square.size), 
               lty = 3)
      if (!is.null(png)|!is.null(pdf)) {
      if (!(!length(label.figure))) {

    using it;

    set.seed(1); s1= rnorm(50,mean = 12)
    set.seed(10); s2= rnorm(50, mean = 17)
    set.seed(100); s3= rnorm(50, mean = 100)
    pca.scoop=scores(pca, scaling = 2)
    my_custom_pca2(pca, centered = TRUE)
    par("pin")[2]/diff(par("usr")[3:4]) # the same

    enter image description here

    In this case on my environment (640 x 500), I can resize the width larger and/or the height smaller (change of axis(1) and axis(3)) but can't the width smaller and/or the height larger (change of axis(1) but not axis(3)).

    enter image description here enter image description here