How would you find the correct words in a long stream of characters?
Input :
"The revised report onthesyntactictheoriesofsequentialcontrolandstate"
Google's Output:
"The revised report on syntactic theories sequential controlandstate"
(which is close enough considering the time that they produced the output)
How do you think Google does it? How would you increase the accuracy?
I would try a recursive algorithm like this:
For example, giving it "thesentenceisgood" would run:
the sentenceisgood
sent enceisgood
enceisgood: OUT1: the sent enceisgood, 2/3
sentence isgood
is good
go od: OUT2: the sentence is go od, 4/5
is good: OUT3: the sentence is good, 4/4
sentenceisgood: OUT4: the sentenceisgood, 1/2
these ntenceisgood
ntenceisgood: OUT5: these ntenceisgood, 1/2
So you would pick OUT3 as the answer.