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Setting chef vault variable in template.erb

I have a vault item defined as the following in my recipe

item = ChefVault::Item.load("user","password")

How do i call this this in my template.erb? I tried the following which isn't working

ROOTPASSWORD= <%= @node["testcookbook"]["user"]["password"] %>

My vault item looks like this:

$ knife vault show user password
id:       password
pass: xxxxxxxxxx
username: chefuser

I generally do something like this within a recipe

ROOTPASSWORD #{item['pass']}

however I don't think that would work within a template.


  • There are two options to solve that problem though the second one should be preferred as that keeps your sensitive data private.

    Suppose, if your vault look like this:

    knife vault show user password
    id:       password
    pass: xxxxxxxxxx
    username: chefuser

    Then, you can approach like following:

    Save as Node Attribute

    First, if you want to set the password on node object and make it visible, then you can do something like below:

    In recipe:

    node.default["testcookbook"]["user"]["password"] = ChefVault::Item.load("user","password")['pass']
    template '/tmp/template' do
      source 'template.erb'
      owner 'root'
      group 'root'
      mode '0644'

    In Template:

    ROOTPASSWORD= <%= node["testcookbook"]["user"]["password"] %>

    Pass Data to the Template using variables

    Second, if you don't want to set the password on node object and let it visible in chef run logs, then you can do something like below:-

    template '/tmp/template' do
      source 'template.erb'
      owner 'root'
      group 'root'
      mode '0644'
      sensitive true
      variables( {:password => ChefVault::Item.load("user","password")['pass']})

    In Template:

    ROOTPASSWORD= <%= @password %>