I am building a web app using React (15.3.0), Redux (3.5.2) and react-router (2.6.1). I include the versions as I've seen a few related posts but they reference old versions of these libraries.
I have some state that I would like to persist on the URL so that the user can deep link to it. By deep linking, I mean that a user can link directly to a state of a page. I have various pages in my app, each page has a separate reducer, the state for each page should persist between pages.
I've read Dan Abramov's recommended approach: How to sync Redux state and url hash tag params Which seems ok, apart from persisting state between pages.
An example scenario:
User lands on page one: /page1
User interacts with the page causing state to be saved in the URL: /page1?state={...}
User goes to page 2: /page2
User interacts with page 2: /page2?state={...}
User links to page 1, expecting to see that page as they left it. Problem! How do we recover the state from page 1?
I've looked at react-router-redux, but I can't tell if it does what I need it to?
Is there a common approach to this problem? If so what is it? If not, can you suggest an approach?
I'm sure there is more than one answer to this; you just need to pick one and implement it.
If it were me, I would do this:
, use the stored state (I'm assuming state will need to be synced to a server to be able to store/recover it)./page1?state={...}
, either a) merge the URL state into the stored/recovered state or b) skip recovering and use the URL directly.I would even go further and NOT sync the state to the url, since that seems like wasted effort (unless users are relying on bookmarking a page). Just render a React component saying "Share this URL" and have it render a URL with proper query params.