I have a phylogenetic tree in newick format. I want to pull out a subtree based on the labels of the terminal nodes (so based on a list of species). A copy of the tree I am using can be found here: http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/dm6/multiz27way/dm6.27way.nh
Currently I have read in the tree using BioPython like so:
from Bio import Phylo
#read in Phylogenetic Tree
tree = Phylo.read('dm6.27way.nh', 'newick')
#list of species of interest
species_list = ['dm6', 'droSim1', 'droSec1', 'droYak3', 'droEre2', 'droBia2', 'droSuz1', 'droAna3', 'droBip2', 'droEug2', 'droEle2', 'droKik2', 'droTak2', 'droRho2', 'droFic2']
How would I pull out the subtree of only the species in species_list?
Ok yeah, assuming you want the smallest tree that has all the species in your species list you want the root node of this tree to be the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of all the species in the list which is thankfully already implemented in Phylo:
from Bio import Phylo
#read in Phylogenetic Tree
tree = Phylo.read('dm6.27way.nh', 'newick')
#list of species of interest
species_list = ['dm6',
common_ancestor = tree.common_ancestor(species_list)
___ dm6
| | , droSim1
| |_|
__________| | droSec1
| |
| | _____ droYak3
,| |_|
|| |____ droEre2
|| _______ droBia2
| |_____ droSuz1
__| _______ droAna3
| |_________________________________|
| | |________ droBip2
| |
| |___________________ droEug2
|_____________ droEle2
||______________________________ droKik2
| ||______________ droTak2
___________________| |
| |____________ droRho2
|_______________ droFic2