Here is my Mongo document after migrating from SQL Server to regular MongoDB collection.
"TicketId": 23,
"Attachments" : [
"_id" : 4221,
"Name" : "profile Pic",
"Size" : 218112,
"Description" : "User Profile Pic",
"Data" :{ "$binary" : "0M8R4KGxGuE.............",
"IsPrivate" : false,
"AttachmentType" = {
"ContentType" = "image/png",
"FileExtension" = ".png"
"CreatedByUserId" : 12,
"CreatedDateTimeUtc" : ISODate("2012-05-21T18:40:08.570Z"),
{ // Another attachment },
{ // Another attachment },
{ // Another attachment }]
But I have attachment which are over 16 MB size, since MongoDB document size is limited to 16 MB I cannot use this approach to save my attachments.
Looks like GridFS is a right approach to save files in MongoDB I found this answer on SO which explains how to save a new file to GridFS. But I need to be able to migrate data from SQL Server to MongoGridFS.
Also when you upload a file to GRIDFS, it seems like it generates few default fields, I was wondering how can I add additional fields to it to Map to other collections?
Or should I consider keep all info related attachment with other mapping collection and add array of gridFsInfo.Id to it for mapping?
I am using MongoDB 3.2 with MongoDB C# driver
This is how I ended up doing it
Connect to MongoGridFs
MongoCredential mongoCredential = MongoCredential.CreateCredential("dbName", "userName", "password");
var mongoServerSettings = new MongoServerSettings {Server = new MongoServerAddress("host Ip",27017),
Credentials = new List<MongoCredential> { mongoCredential },
ConnectionMode = ConnectionMode.Automatic, ConnectTimeout = new TimeSpan(0,0,0,30)};
var mongoServer = new MongoServer(mongoServerSettings);
var mongoGridFsSettings = new MongoGridFSSettings { };
var MongoGridFs = new MongoGridFS(mongoServer, DatabaseName, mongoGridFsSettings);
In my C# SQL-to-Mongo export
ticket.Attachments = (from ta in context.TicketAttachments
join a in context.Attachments on ta.AttachmentId equals a.Id
join at in context.AttachmentTypes on a.TypeId equals at.Id
where ta.TicketId == ticket.Id
select new Domain.Model.Tickets.Attachment
Id = a.Id,
// Load all fields
Data = a.Data,
Size = a.Size,
Name = a.Name,
AttachmentType = new Domain.Model.Tickets.AttachmentType()
ContentType = at.ContentType,
FileExtension = at.FileExtension
foreach (var attachment in ticket.Attachments)
Stream stream = new MemoryStream(attachment.Data);
MongoGridFSFileInfo mongoGridFsFileInfo = mongoDbContext.MongoGridFs.Upload(stream, attachment.Name);
attachment.GridFsObjectId = mongoGridFsFileInfo.Id.AsObjectId;
Finally save my ticket.Attachments
object in my regular MongoCollection