So I have a javascript array and in the array I have this:
var quiz = [{
"question": "What is the greatest common factor of 105 and 126?",
"image": "",
"choices": ["3", "7",
"9", "21", "35"
"correct": "21",
"conceptlink": "",
"explanation": "In order to solve this question, you must factor each number into prime factors<h1>Height</h1>",
Focus on the explanation subset of the array. I have an H1 element that I want to print but, instead, it is printed as part of a text instead of code. In other words, the text would read:
Here's the code that prints the explanation
$('#explanation').html('<strong>Incorrect.</strong> ' + htmlEncode(quiz[currentquestion]['explanation']));
Any help from the js experts would be gladly appreciated!!
You almost have it. I'm not sure what your function htmlEncode() does, but if you don't use it, it should give you what you want. Here's a jsbin demonstrating it:,output
If you want to know how to make the string HTML safe, here's a question that can help: How to encode a string in JavaScript for displaying in HTML?